
What is Emotional Health

WEBEmotional health affects our thoughts and feelings. It encompasses our overall sense of well-being, our ability to regulate and acknowledge our own emotions, and our resilience …

Actived: 3 days ago

URL: https://withtherapy.com/mental-health-resources/what-is-emotional-health/

How Does Psychotherapy Work

WEBWho can provide psychotherapy? Several types of mental health professionals can provide mental health services, including:. Psychologists: Clinical …

Category:  Health Go Health

What is a Mental Health Counselor

WEBA mental health counselor is a mental health professional who provides support to individuals experiencing mental or emotional distress. Mental health counselors may …

Category:  Health Go Health

How to Get a Mental Health Diagnosis

WEBClinical social workers: Clinical social workers earn a master’s or doctoral degree in social work. Clinical social workers undergo training to diagnose mental illness …

Category:  Health Go Health

Physical Wellness and Mental Health

WEBExercise: Doing daily physical or training activities for at least 150 minutes per week can enhance wellness and increase one’s heart rate and cardiovascular health. Sleep: …

Category:  Health Go Health

Millennial Therapy: How Millennials are Changing Therapy

WEBDuring the COVID-19 pandemic, dramatic increases in online therapy have encouraged millennial participation, offering young people an affordable, convenient, …

Category:  Health Go Health

Developing and Exploring Identity

WEBTherapy: Therapy can help you navigate identity development challenges, find support, and cope with mental health issues. Working with a therapist who shares your gender …

Category:  Health Go Health

Defining Self Care: What Qualifies

WEBPsychological Self-Care. Like physical self-care, psychological self-care encompasses self-care behaviors that keep your thoughts and emotions in an optimal …

Category:  Health Go Health

Life Transitions

WEBLife Transitions and Mental Health. Life transitions are stressful for everyone, and even adjusting to positive changes can cause stress. For some people, the stress of change …

Category:  Health Go Health

Work and Career Challenges

WEBPrevalence of Work Stress. Work-related stress is common in the United States. According to a 2017 report from the American Psychological Association (APA), 58% of individuals …

Category:  Health Go Health

Therapist Burnout: Identifying the Signs and Managing

WEBSome common signs of burnout include: Emotional exhaustion, low mood, and compassion fatigue. Depersonalization (a loss of empathy, compassion, and caring) …

Category:  Health Go Health

How are Developmental Disorders Different than Mental Illnesses

WEBWhen it comes to diagnosis, one of the key distinguishing factors between developmental disabilities and mental disorders is thought processes and behavior, …

Category:  Health Go Health

Child Adolescent Mental Health Services: What You Need to Know

WEBChild and Adolescent Mental Health Services. Children and adolescents struggling with mental health problems have many mental health services available, …

Category:  Health Go Health

How to Request a Mental Health Day at Work

WEBHow to Request a Mental Health Day at Work. Jaclyn Lopez Witmer, Psy.D. November 2, 2021. While some are still working remotely and others have returned to …

Category:  Health Go Health

Athletes Mental Health: Stigmas & Misconceptions

WEBAthletes’ Mental Health and Stigma. In the words of Dr. Thelma Dye Holmes, “Mental health has a stigma that is tied into weakness and is absolutely the …

Category:  Health Go Health

What are Developmental Disorders

WEBDevelopmental disorders, also called neurodevelopmental disorders or childhood disorders, are neurologically-based conditions that can affect the acquisition, retention, or …

Category:  Health Go Health