
What are invasive species, and why should we care

WEBIn accordance with IRS tax-exempt status, the Wild Animal Health Fund, a program of the American Association of Zoo Veterinarians, is a 501(c)(3) not-for-profit organization.

Actived: 2 days ago

URL: https://wildanimalhealthfund.org/what-are-invasive-species-and-why-should-we-care/

What Are Zoonotic Diseases

WEBSounds bad for humans, but how does it impact animals? While most zoonotic diseases come from animals, many happen in reverse order, a.k.a. us spreading disease.Examples of this include types of influenza, staph infections, various parasite infections, and more.

Category:  Health Go Health

Our Zoo Animals & Wildlife Cannot Tell Us Where It Hurts

WEBUnlike human patients, other species cannot ask for help. They cannot tell us what hurts or tell us where it hurts. Thankfully, a veterinarian who works with all kinds of animals, knows when something is wrong. The Wild Animal Health Fund is leading the way for critical research designed to diagnose, treat, heal, and protect zoo animals and

Category:  Health Go Health

About Us: Animal Health is The Missing Piece

WEBThe Wild Animal Health Fund is a program of the American Association of Zoo Veterinarians (AAZV) and was established in 2012. AAZV was founded in 1960 and is now the premier organization for veterinarians and allied professionals leading wild animal health care to advance species conservation globally. Zoo and wildlife veterinarians …

Category:  Health Go Health

What's Going on With Turtle Health

WEBThe Wild Animal Health Fund is. Since 2012, we have funded over 16 turtle health studies alone, and over 70 more species. While our focus is not solely on turtles, the need for more health studies on them is great. The turtle studies funded by the Wild Animal Health Fund have covered topics like: Investigating herpesvirus in symptomatic and

Category:  Health Go Health

Different Ways to Help Zoo Animals And Wildlife Today

WEBThe Wild Animal Health Fund is here to help our zoo animals and wildlife. Your support goes to professional veterinary health studies focusing on things like less invasive surgeries, improved reproduction techniques, pain management, and so much more. Our veterinarians are working hard everyday to keep our species healthy and around for

Category:  Health Go Health

Manatees and Cold Shock: All You Need To Know.

WEBUnfortunately, these areas are less to find for reasons ranging from agriculture to urban sprawl. They are having a harder time finding warm water refuge areas, leading to a condition called cold shock. 20% of Florida manatee deaths are from cold shock. Even if rescued, these animals can be immunosuppressed and at the risk of infection.

Category:  Health Go Health

Wild Animal Health Fund

WEBIt's time we talk about their health. The Wild Animal Health Fund was created in 2012 by zoo & wildlife veterinarians at the American Association of Zoo Veterinarians that desperately needed funding for the animals they cared for. Did you know there is little to zero government funding for non-domestic animal health studies?

Category:  Health Go Health

Red pandas are endangered, how can we help them

WEBA relative to both giant pandas and raccoons, these cat-sized cuties are native to Nepal, Northern Myanmar, and Central China. They sleep in the trees, but you can find them foraging for food during dusk and dawn. The Red Pandas are endangered due to deforestation of their habitat (a.k.a. the trees they live in)!

Category:  Food Go Health

Animal Health: What's important

WEBWild Animal Health Fund feels the most appropriate answer is F, all the above. We believe that focusing on all the species, and most importantly, the endangered species is dire. Expanding grants, expands the different animals that can be helped, as well as the number of grants that can be awarded. We do not just help zoo animals in human …

Category:  Health Go Health

The Struggle to Save Bats and How We Are Helping Them

WEBIn a battle against extinction, we are investigating bat health. This is crucial in saving certain species that are threatened with extinction.

Category:  Health Go Health

Collaboration is Key to the Wildlife Conservation Puzzle

WEBCollaboration in wildlife conservation projects is what helps us solve the conservation puzzle. Wild animal health must be included in the conversation. You too can be part of the process of creating a healthy, balanced planet. Help fill in the missing piece of the puzzle-wild animal health. Consider giving directly to critical wildlife

Category:  Health Go Health

Whooping Cranes Are Becoming Extinct, What Can We Do

WEBAn adult stands nearly 5 feet tall, with a wingspan of over 7 feet! Unfortunately, it is rare to catch a glimpse of one of these majestic birds today. Back in the 1940s, the crane almost became extinct. The good news is that conservation efforts have helped the endangered animal make a comeback, and today there are about 600 whooping cranes.

Category:  Health Go Health

Day in the Life of a Zoo Veterinarian: Dr. JB Minter

WEB8:15 am– Morning rounds with staff to talk about the active cases at the Zoo and what the plan is for the day.; 8:45 am– Ophthalmic recheck of a red wolf puppy that had developed a bullous keratopathy (an eye disorder that involve swelling of the cornea).The lesion has been healing well and this was one of Dr. Minter’s scheduled checks of the day.

Category:  Health Go Health

How Do Zoos Help Animals

WEBThe Wild Animal Health Fund is here to change that. For more than a decade, we have funded over 130 research projects ranging from stress relief to pathogen analysis. With the insight from these studies, zoo and wildlife veterinarians can better care for their patients. Help pave the road to species survival.

Category:  Health Go Health

Why are wetlands important

WEBWetlands don’t have to disappear as long as we play our part in preserving them. It’s a habitat that relies on the animals and plants to function. In turn, the creatures that call wetlands home rely on them to survive. Animal health is at the heart of conservation. Even then, it’s the piece of the conservation puzzle that is often overlooked.

Category:  Health Go Health

AAZV Conference & Wild Animal Health

WEBBy Sydney Kirk, PR and Fundraising Associate, on October 12, 2023. Last month I was a foot away from a clouded leopard and met the most brilliant minds I have ever had the pleasure of coming across. The Wild Animal Health Fund is a program of the American Association of Zoo Veterinarians, AAZV for short.I was excited when it came …

Category:  Health Go Health

Why fundraising is so important for the animals

WEBNovember 5, 2020. Why is fundraising so important for the animals? Simply put, because we can’t afford to lose sight of the need for research for them, too. During this uncertain time of COVID, the rapidly changing environment, conflicts near and far, and other catastrophes – natural and created by humans, Wild Animal Health Fund knows one

Category:  Health Go Health