
Why is wellbeing important

WEBImproved staff morale. Reduced recruitment and training costs. Improved company reputation. Improved financial performance. As experts in workplace wellbeing, Wellbeing Works have spent time crafting the ‘7 Key Elements to Wellbeing’ to make it easy for employers to actively and effectively improve wellbeing amongst their employees, across

Actived: 7 days ago

URL: http://well-being-works.co.uk/why-wellbeing-is-important/

Health & Wellbeing in the Manufacturing Industry

WEBThe role of health and wellbeing in manufacturing report also found that improving mental health at work can boost productivity by up to 10%, and that 70 million working days are lost each year due to mental illness. Gallup found that when businesses had higher engagement, they experienced a decrease in absenteeism and staff turnover

Category:  Health Go Health

Wellbeing Programmes: what are they and should your …

WEBWhat is a ‘Wellbeing Programme’? Hamish Moore: “A Wellbeing Programme is one which holistically tries to improve the wellbeing of the workforce. It looks at how individuals are employed; their work context; how they are managed; their role, and activities that improve self-care.”. Why is having a Wellbeing Programme so important?

Category:  Health Go Health

Health Benefits of Psychological Safety

WEBThe Health Benefits of Psychological Safety. Some aspects of work affect the mental wellbeing of the workforce. For example: A Psychologically Safe environment can directly reduce the onset, impact, duration and severity of mental distress. Managers who are “Psychologically Safe and Responsible” minimise the risk of creating harm to others.

Category:  Health Go Health

Psychological safety

WEBPsychological Safety is the Mental Health equivalent of the Physically Safe workplace. A Psychologically Safe workplace is one where your staffs’ Psychological Wellbeing is a priority for you. Adopting a Psychologically Safe approach means that managers actively create work environments which avert harm or danger to staff psychological health.

Category:  Health Go Health

Young People and Mental Health in the Workplace

WEBManagers and younger employees are struggling to adapt as a generation of people with higher rates of reported mental illness enter the workforce. The youngest adults in the workforce today, those 18 to 30 years old and according to the Harvard Business Review highlights the fact that 95% of adults

Category:  Health Go Health

10 Reasons Psychological Safety can benefit your organisation

WEBFor many organisations 40%-45% of reported absence is attributable to psycho-social factors (e.g. worry, anxiety, stress and depression). Insightful organisations create an environment that takes positive action before these factors lead to absence. Current and potential employees also have increasing expectations of their jobs and workplaces.

Category:  Health Go Health

A Balanced Life and Psychological Safety

WEBThe Balanced Circle is an insightful way of evaluating the balance of contentment within your life. The circle is divided up into the general components outlined below. Health – both physical and psychological. Fun & recreation – the things you enjoy. Friends & family & significant other – those who you enjoy spending time with.

Category:  Health Go Health

Taking Care of Your Team – Be Proactive or Be Reactive

WEBAfter the announcements this week regarding COVID-19, all workforces, where possible, have been encouraged to work remotely. However it’s important for physical safety to not overshadow the effect this will have on employee’s mental health. As millions of workers in Britain set themselves up to work from home, they will

Category:  Health Go Health

Bringing psychological safety to the forefront with data-driven

WEBEmployee wellbeing is a main priority for the Consortium and a decision was taken pre-Covid, in May 2019, that, although the team of 34 were motivated and engaged, more could be done to support them.

Category:  Health Go Health

What Actually Is Psychological Safety

WEBPsychological safety in the workplace depends on employees knowing what it is. Do you feel psychologically safe? If you’re not sure what that really means… How about: do you feel confident your team will not embarrass, reject or punish you for speaking up at work? The team here at Wellbeing

Category:  Health Go Health

Team Works for the Education Sector

WEBWellbeing Works works with organisation in the education industry to improve health and wellbeing within the workplace and increase productivity.

Category:  Health Go Health

“We cannot become what we want to be by remaining what we

WEBWe attended a fantastic Workshop at RTC North last week about how “Lean” can help to improve businesses. Another great service provided to us as part of the North East Supply Chain. Jim Barr shared his vast range of knowledge on lean and embracing cultural change. Toyota created the Toyota

Category:  Health Go Health

Our Clients: Who We Work With

WEBBelow provides a list of just some of the clients we’ve worked with over the years. From private to public sector organisations, we have provided to each of them bespoke and tailored solutions that have improved wellbeing in the workplace. Banks Group. Barts Health. Blackburn College.

Category:  Health Go Health

Wellbeing Works partners with Barts Health NHS Trust

WEBAs one of the largest NHS Trusts in the UK, Barts Health NHS Trust employs over 16,000 staff and treats 2.5 million people across East London. In recent years, the trust has seen issues surrounding leadership and workplace wellbeing and it commissioned us to help tackle these concerns. Patient wellbeing is directly correlated to the wellbeing

Category:  Health Go Health

Is staff Wellbeing a sufficient priority for the Prison Service in

WEBThe solution requires a holistic approach. However, it is certain that to retain staff, wellbeing conditions must improve. Individuals must be able to feel psychologically and physically safe to carry out their job. Hence, staff Wellbeing must become a priority for the prison system at a strategic and operational level, otherwise the current

Category:  Health Go Health

PIXAR’S Unparalleled Success and its roots in

WEBPixar Animation Studios was founded in 1986 as an independent company- since 1995, the studio has produced 21 feature length animated films with only one (Cars 2, 2011) failing to achieve a “Fresh” or certified fresh designation on Rotten Tomatoes (films with “Fresh” designation are reviewed positively by 60% of critics or higher, and films with a “Certified …

Category:  Health Go Health