Pediatric Dentist in Viera, FL

WEBProudly serving the children of Viera, FL. Dr. Yoshita Patel and her incredible team of pediatric dental professionals are committed to giving your child a healthy smile that lasts a lifetime! From the moment you walk through our doors, we are dedicated to providing excellent care, while equipping children and parents with the knowledge they

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Pediatric Dental Services in Viera, FL

WEBThey are prescribed by the doctor based on a child’s individual needs and cavity risk. Without them, dental conditions may go undetected. Dental x-rays detect much more than dental cavities, and they allow the dentist to evaluate growth and development, bone health, pathology, and trauma. At Viera Pediatric Dentistry, we use the latest

Category:  Health Go Health

What Makes Us Unique

WEBWhat Makes Us Unique. Here at Viera Pediatric Dentistry, our compassionate patient-focused care puts children’s oral health first with a strong foundation in preventative care. Our goal is to create positive experiences at the dentists’ office that will translate to a lifetime of excellent oral health.

Category:  Health Go Health

Tongue & Lip Ties

WEBIf your baby has difficulty latching on to the breast, they may be experiencing a tongue- or lip-tie. However, there’s no reason for the bonding between a mother and her child to be disrupted. Frenectomies can improve latch, allowing babies (and mothers) to have a better nursing experience. Introduction to Frenectomies.

Category:  Health Go Health

First Dental Visit

WEBNew experiences can be nerve-racking, so we focus the first visit on getting to know your child, their medical and dental history, and their likes/dislikes. Our team will walk and talk through each step of the visit to gain their trust and confidence. To help alleviate any stress, parents and guardians are always invited to sit in on appointments.

Category:  Medical Go Health