Custom Knee Bracing and Foot Orthotics

WEBOur knee braces are custom made for you and we are able to provide bracing for all types of knee, shoulder and other joint problems such as the elbow or wrist. There are two main types of knee braces. Unloading knee braces reduce osteoarthritis pain, provide long term pain relief, postpone or eliminate the need […]

Actived: 7 days ago


Athletic Therapy

WEBAthletic Therapy is the prevention, immediate care and rehabilitation of musculoskeletal injuries by a Certified Athletic Therapist. A musculoskeletal injury is damage to a muscle, ligament, bone or joint structures. A Certified Athletic Therapist assesses injuries and conditions, utilizes contemporary rehabilitative techniques, therapeutic modalities, soft …

Category:  Health Go Health

Therapeutic Exercise

WEBWhen you say the words “physiotherapy” most people automatically assume you have had surgery. Yet physiotherapy goes beyond post-surgical care restoring strength, endurance, flexibility, and stability to people who have been injured, are in pain, or have experienced an illness. Through therapeutic exercise, it fis possible to have your function restored and …

Category:  Health Go Health

ACL Prevention Program

WEBACL prevention programs include targeted exercises that address muscle strengthening, muscle recruitment patterns, landing and deceleration patterns, proprioception, and plyometrics. Most ACL injury prevention program sessions last approximately 20-30 minutes, making it very easy to incorporate into a practice setting. If you are an athlete

Category:  Health Go Health

Spinal Decompression Therapy

WEBSpinal decompression is a non-surgical, effective, and usually painless therapy. Whereas more traditional treatments can include drugs, difficult exercises, and even surgery, spinal decompression treatment at Total Health Link is a non-invasive alternative designed to produce results. Spinal decompression is a non-surgical, effective, and usually painless …

Category:  Health Go Health

Shockwave Therapy

WEBShockwave therapy is a state of the art therapy, which uses pneumatic pressure to deliver rapid pulses creating a “shockwave” that can penetrate deep into tissues. These rapid pulses or shockwaves safely and effective break down scar tissue and adhesions, which increases blood flow and stimulates tissue repair, which in turn will speed up the […]

Category:  Health Go Health

Vestibular Therapy

WEBThe second most commonly reported complaint within doctors’ offices is dizziness and loss of balance. In fact, 76 million Americans will experience some sort of dizzy spell or vertigo at some point in their lives. These are both extremely common conditions that can affect your equilibrium, making you feel off balance. Symptoms can vary from […]

Category:  Health Go Health

Fascial Stretch Therapy

WEBTHE BENEFITS OF FASCIAL STRETCH THERAPY (FST) Fascial Stretch Therapy or FST is still a relatively new technique. Our Burlington Therapists use it to successfully treat a variety of conditions, and the most promising aspect about FST is that it has been known to work on chronic, longstanding or treatment resistant conditions where little else has …

Category:  Health Go Health

Cold Laser Therapy

WEBLaser therapy is a safe, effective, and non-invasive way to treat pain and aid in the recovery of many conditions. Laser treatments work by releasing photons into the tissues surrounding the affected area that is being treated. These photons help in relieving pain, energizing cells, and increasing circulation to the injured area. If you are […]

Category:  Health Go Health

Total Health Link Burlington Chiropractor Physiotherapy Clinic

WEBAt Total Health Link, our motto is “Your link to total health”. All our comprehensive physical treatment plans are customized for each patient to ensure they get back on the mend as quickly and safely as possible. At Total Health Link, our comprehensive Burlington physiotherapy clinic is focused on helping you regain your physical independence.

Category:  Health Go Health

Active Release Technique

WEBWhat is Active Release Techniques®(ART)? ART® is a patented, state of the art soft tissue system/movement based massage technique that treats problems with muscles, tendons, ligaments, fascia, and nerves. Headaches, back pain, carpal tunnel syndrome, shin splints, shoulder pain, sciatica, plantar fasciitis, knee problems, and tennis elbow are just a few …

Category:  Health Go Health