U.S. Seniors Opt for Mexican Healthcare

WEB“Mexicare: $250 a year covers it all” declared the Arizona Republic website headline on August 29. The Mexican Social Security Institute, known as IMSS, provides …

Actived: 9 days ago


Health Insurance Doesn’t Guarantee Access to Care

WEBMichael Tennant is a freelance writer and regular contributor to The New American. Health coverage doesn't guarantee access to care, so single-payer won't …

Category:  Health Go Health

ObamaCare: The Plan Is to Transition to "Single-Payer" Socialized

WEBThe Las Vegas Sun report on the program carried this headline: “Reid says Obamacare just a step toward eventual single-payer system.”. “Reid said he thinks the …

Category:  Health Go Health

Health Freedom Solutions for the “Canceled”

WEBAdam Hardage, co-founder and CEO of Remote Health Solutions, is fighter and a man on a mission. For two decades he served in the U.S. military, first in the Air …

Category:  Health Go Health

ObamaCare Causing Millions of Americans to Lose Their Current …

WEBAs many as 16 million Americans with individual health insurance are likely to lose their existing plans under the Affordable Care Act (ACA), more commonly known …

Category:  Health Go Health

Senator Johnson Demands Answers on Skyrocketed Disease Rate …

WEBU.S. military personnel saw a significant increase in cancers, neurological, and reproductive issues and numerous other conditions in 2021, compared to a five-year …

Category:  Cancer Go Health

ObamaCare Will Cost 2.5 Million Jobs by 2024, CBO Says

WEBObamaCare will result in a loss of about 2.5 million jobs by 2024, according to a new report from the Congressional Budget Office. by Michael Tennant

Category:  Health Go Health

Amid Attacks on Pro-Life Centers and Churches, More Women Are …

WEBThe criminals then graffitied messages across the clinic buildings: “If abortion isn’t safe, you aren’t either!” Similar messaging has been used repeatedly by the violent …

Category:  Health Go Health

Ohio’s Pediatric Pneumonia Spike Similar to China’s

WEBIn a press release Wednesday, Warren County Health District (WCHD) officials in Ohio announced an “extremely high” 142 pediatric cases of pneumonia since …

Category:  Health Go Health

WHO Issues "Urgent" Call for Nations to Sign International …

WEBThe World Health Organization (WHO), the United Nations’ main medical arm, is calling for the nations of the world to sign a new Pandemic Accord by May. …

Category:  Medical Go Health

Scott Schara: Fighting Medical Murder

WEBSchara’s key findings include: All deaths are rising at an annual average of 8 percent. In the five years following the passage of the Affordable Care Act …

Category:  Health Go Health

Global ObamaCare and World Population Control

WEBThe administration’s Global Health Initiative, the new global ObamaCare, is in reality a major effort to launch a new wave of planetary eugenics and population …

Category:  Health Go Health

Survey: 42 Percent of Gen Z Diagnosed With a Mental-health …

WEBA new survey has revealed that an astonishing 42 percent of these young people have been diagnosed with a mental-health condition. The September 2022 …

Category:  Health Go Health

Does Leftism Make You Looney

WEBThe women’s publication Evie reported Tuesday, citing a Pew Research Center study, that more than 50 percent of young, liberal, white women have been …

Category:  Health Go Health

Healthcare “Death Panels” Alive and Well in Britain

WEBBut in Great Britain, which has suffered under socialized medicine since 1948, such panels — unlike the patients whose treatment they have denied — are alive and well. Despite …

Category:  Medicine Go Health

MSM Worries Illegal Aliens Not Seeking Healthcare Due to Florida …

WEBIn a recent report, Politico claims women who are in the United States illegally are foregoing health services such as mammograms and prenatal care in …

Category:  Health Go Health

Obama and GOP Unleash “Community Schools” to Replace Parents

WEBThe controversial full-service community schools, more accurately described as parental replacement centers, seek to oversee every aspect of your child's life, …

Category:  Health Go Health

Leftism to Blame

WEBArticle audio sponsored by The John Birch Society. “The apple doesn’t fall far from the tree,” the saying goes. This could come to mind in light of longstanding …

Category:  Health Go Health

Study Links Abortion to Mental Health Problems, Suicide

WEBA recent U.S. study has confirmed that women who have abortions increase the likelihood of suffering from severe mental health issues. The study by Dr. Priscilla …

Category:  Health Go Health