Hybrid working – health, safety and ergonomics

WebThe Health and Safety Executive states that employers should try to meet specialist DSE needs. For small equipment/peripherals (e.g. keyboards, mouse, laptop riser) this could mean allowing workers to take this …

Actived: 6 days ago


Health and safety in co-working spaces

WebAddressing health and safety in co-working spaces involves a range of specialist skills and knowledge, including carrying out a variety of risk …

Category:  Health Go Health

Health and safety management systems

WebAccess the deeper benefits of good health and safety practice. At System Concepts, we know that good health and safety management provides …

Category:  Health Go Health

Epilepsy in the workplace: a 10 step guide

Webtemperature; light; stress; tiredness; flicker; season; in/outdoors; computer screens etc. 3. Understand the individual’s requirements during and after a seizure and ensure that appropriate provision is made, including:

Category:  Health Go Health

Health and safety guidance for employers

WebGood health and safety is about taking reasonable measures to control and reduce the risk of things going wrong, someone getting hurt, or becoming ill due to work. However, if employer negligence is identified for an …

Category:  Health Go Health

Tips for better eye health at work

WebAnother exercise that helps eye health at work is to look far away at an object for 10-15 seconds, then gaze at something up close for 10-15 seconds. Then look back at the distant object. Do this 10 times. 5. Get …

Category:  Health Go Health

Health and safety audit and assurance: case study

WebWith more than 111,000 residents and 8,000 care home services customers, the in-house health and safety team benefits from expert guidance from our consultants. We advised the team on how health and …

Category:  Health Go Health

Our top tips for working at home – Eye Health

WebWelcome to the seventh article in our series, our top tips for working at home… Next up in our mini-series of infographics is our top 5 tips on Eye Health.. A survey 2021 by Fight for Sight of 2,000 people in the UK found that half of people’s screen time increased during the pandemic, this was not surprising since many face-to-face activities like meetings, …

Category:  Health Go Health

5 Generations in the workplace

WebEnter the health and safety professional, charged with ensuring that with 5 generations in the workplace, our diverse range of workers remains healthy and safe. To succeed, you’ll need to consider ergonomic workplace …

Category:  Health Go Health

ISO 45001 consultancy services Health and Safety

WebHaving a structured health and safety management system like ISO 45001 in place is crucial, ensuring that your organisation manages health and safety proactively. Our ISO 45001 consultancy services will help you put just such a system in place – meaning your company understands its health and safety risks, meets its legal duties, provides

Category:  Health Go Health

Workstation assessments: taking breaks at work

WebHealth risks and costs to employers The Chartered Society of Physiotherapy (CSP) states that people in the UK regularly work all day without taking a break, and are putting their health at risk. The CSP’s UK wide survey also showed that over a third of staff regularly work through their lunch break, and nearly a quarter take no lunch break at

Category:  Health Go Health

Stress Interventions

WebTypical responses include health and wellbeing communications and promotions. 2. Secondary interventions aim to target the reactive stages of stress in individuals. Such interventions help employees and managers better identify and manage stressors and associated symptoms as they occur. These intervention types can be both active and …

Category:  Health Go Health

Stress and musculoskeletal disorders

WebStress and musculoskeletal disorders are the two most common causes of work related ill health. Both conditions share common risk factors and they frequently occur together, having an influence on each other. Broad psychosocial factors are significant, and include environmental factors, work practices, relationships, attitudes and behaviours.

Category:  Health Go Health

New HSE talking toolkit launched

WebThe Health and Safety Executive (HSE) has issued guidelines on what employers can do to support employees who have disabilities and long-term health conditions at work. The HSE say that disabled people are less likely to be employed than non-disabled people and are twice as likely to fall out of work. In addition, statistics published by the Government …

Category:  Health Go Health

Our top tips for working at home – Mental Health

WebWelcome to our first article in our series, Our top tips for working at home… Our mini-series of infographics will cover our top tips on working from home. From posture, through to purchasing equipment, wellbeing, stretching, and child …

Category:  Health Go Health

Whatever happened to sick building syndrome

WebUsing ill health data to identify clusters of similar types of ill health and sickness absence. Utilising staff surveys to gain insights into job satisfaction, workplace stress and dissatisfaction with working practices. Regular complaints about temperature, humidity, lighting etc to helpdesks or maintenance teams can also suggests problems

Category:  Health Go Health

Advice on using portable heaters at work

WebGuidance from Health and Safety Executive (HSE), Workplace health, safety and welfare, Workplace (Health, Safety and Welfare) Regulations 1992. Approved Code of Practice and guidance (L24), advises that the temperature of indoor workplaces where the activity is mainly sedentary, for example offices, the temperature should normally be at least

Category:  Health Go Health

Learning styles are a lesson for training

WebUnderstanding peoples’ learning styles – how they learn and absorb information – is vital to the success of health and safety training, says Stephen Flounders, our Head of Health and Safety. We all learn differently. Some people can read something, understand it and put it into practice without any difficulty. Others can receive verbal

Category:  Health Go Health

Top tips for managing allergies at work

WebUnder the Health and Safety at Work etc Act 1974, employers must ‘so far as is reasonably practicable’ protect the health and safety of employees by removing or reducing workplace risks. Therefore, even if an employee doesn’t have a disability, employers may have to make a reasonable adjustment to accommodate their allergies at work.

Category:  Health Go Health

Tips to improve forklift ergonomics and safety

WebIn 2017/18, work-related musculoskeletal disorders made up 35% of all work-related ill health in Great Britain (HSE, 2018a). In transportation and storage, as well as the warehousing sub-sector, 1.8% of employees suffer from work-related musculoskeletal disorders; this is significantly higher than the rate for employees across all industries

Category:  Health Go Health