8 health and wellness goals that will actually improve your life

No matter what season of life you’re in, chances are there are new ways you can show yourself some love: nurturing your body through movement and good food, your mind through reading or journaling, and … See more

Actived: 8 days ago


the benefits of seasonal eating (for you and the planet!)

WebOne of the most natural concepts of eating is that of consuming locally grown and seasonally appropriate fresh foods. Below I’ve outlined 3 reasons why you should shift to local, seasonal eating as much as possible (for your health and the planet’s!). If we don’t, nutrient deficiencies can occur, ea

Category:  Food Go Health

How Stress Impacts Your Mind, Body, and Soul and How to …

Webmind. At the same time as our physical body is responding to the impacts of stress, our mind is experiencing similar chaos. As I mentioned above, a lot of our stress nowadays is not because of imminent physical danger and fear associated with that, but because of perceived threats created in our minds as we run through numerous …

Category:  Health Go Health

simple ways to transition to the fall season (mind, body & soul)

WebFall is officially here and I’m welcoming it with open arms and cozy sweaters. To me the Autumn season is almost like the start of the new year: crisp, fresh air, and new beginnings, but also brings back nostalgia, feelings of comfort and security, and a sense of coziness. Learn to lean into the sea

Category:  Health Go Health

15 simple ways to upgrade your day

WebI'm a huge advocate for including slowing down, and finding simple ways to improve your health and wellness, rather than completely re-hauling your life. Simple changes have the ability to completely change your life, but do so in a way that is sustainable rather than overwhelming, and in a way that

Category:  Health Go Health

How to Use Essential Oils In The Shower (Guide + Suggested …

Web1. pick your oil. Make your choice based on the feelings you’d like to evoke in the shower – each essential oil has its own therapeutic compounds, with certain scents causing people to experience different emotions.If you’re looking for something relaxing or to help you unwind before bed, opt for a soothing oil like chamomile, lavender, or ylang ylang.

Category:  Health Go Health

4 ways to shift your inner environment

WebCultivating our inner environment is so important to our mental health and wellbeing. Our thoughts and beliefs, energy, and self-talk influence how we feel, and therefore how we act and live our daily lives. So often, we don’t pay much attention to this inner environment, unless something is really

Category:  Health Go Health

simple orange, lemon, and turmeric immune booster shot recipe

WebWe've created the perfect immune booster shot recipe for you! With simple ingredients like lemon, orange, turmeric, and ginger, that you most likely have at home, this simple, natural, and healthy wellness drink will leave you feeling energized, stable and ready for the day ahead. Cheers to your hea

Category:  Health Go Health

Ultimate “Life” Spring Cleaning Guide: Physically, Mentally, and

WebSpring is a time of natural purification, healing, and rejuvenation, and is often suggested as a good period of cleansing. So, we’ve curated the ultimate “life” spring cleaning guide to provide an overview of how we’re transitioning with nature physically, mentally, and emotionally.

Category:  Health Go Health

The Four Agreements Key Takeaways from the Book — …

WebThe book The Four Agreements by Don Miguel Ruiz is a great resource for anyone looking to transform their life and their beliefs. I’ve captured my key takeaways from The Four Agreements, and hope they’re a helpful resource for if you’re unsure of if this book’s for you (it probably is), or if you’ve

Category:  Health Go Health

What Does It Mean To Set Intentions

WebFrom Merriam-Webster: in· ten· tion | noun . INTENTION, INTENT, PURPOSE, DESIGN, AIM, END, OBJECT, OBJECTIVE, GOAL meaning, “what one intends to accomplish or attain.” Extending this concept a little, to me intention means putting purpose behind everything (or almost everything) that I do, say, and lean into.

Category:  Health Go Health

How to Be a More Conscious Consumer

WebFor your mental and financial health, as well as the health of the planet, please consider consuming more consciously this holiday season. Try to take a break from consumption this week - whether that’s spending money, time, or energy on things that aren’t truly aligned with who you are and the life

Category:  Health Go Health

18 simple and natural ways to reduce stress

WebDo whatever makes you feel good. 5. make some tea. The simple act of preparing your favourite drink, especially something warm like an herbal tea or latte can give your brain a moment of peace and relaxation. Take your time. Be present in the moment, and sip your drink slowly, savouring the moment. 6. get creative.

Category:  Health Go Health

A Love Letter to Body Image (Self Love)

WebBody image is attached to how you feel about yourself. Having a positive body image doesn’t mean you have to love your body every day. It’s about accepting the body you have and being grateful for all the things that it does for you. When you can learn to accept your body, you start truly living your life.

Category:  Health Go Health

Our Ideal Morning Routine ⌇Mindful Morning Rituals + Routines

Webshower + get ready . If I have a little extra time I’ll do an essential oil shower, and if I’m feeling courageous I like to switch to cold water for the last 30 seconds to give my body an extra boost of energy!. breakfast. I love a good, nutritious breakfast to give me the energy I need to be productive, happy, and kind throughout my day.

Category:  Health Go Health

clean vs. natural skincare: what’s the difference

WebSkincare. One of those ominous topics that seemingly contains an endless amount of information. If you’re breaking out and decide to Google the best products to deal with it, you will get bombarded with articles about face wash, moisturizer, spot treatment and more. The associated overwhelm is very

Category:  Health Go Health

Sustainable Bliss Self-Care and Intentional Living

WebOUR founder //. Hey there! I’m Jasmine, founder of the Sustainable Bliss Collective, Content Creator, Certified Meditation Teacher + Nutrition Coach (though I don’t teach these things formally they’re still a big part of who I am), and lover of all things organization, cozy, self-care, wellness, slow-living, and personal development.

Category:  Nutrition Go Health

5 things to consider looking at on packaging (reading labels 101)

WebDespite trying to embody the whole foods approach as much as possible, packaged foods can be hard to avoid! They line grocery store shelves with confusing labels, ingredient lists you can’t pronounce, and health claims you aren’t sure are accurate. Nutrient labels can seem super overwhelming, so I’v

Category:  Food Go Health