Online or In-Person Therapy and Psychiatric Services

WEBFind the right therapist or psychiatrist for you with SonderMind. Licensed and specialized clinicians for many mental health needs, online or in-person.

Actived: 7 days ago


How Are Mental Health and Physical Health Connected

WEBSome of the connections between mental health and physical health can come as a side effect of medications or treatment. Some medications used to treat …

Category:  Health Go Health

About Us SonderMind

WEBOur vision for a healthier world. When we prioritize mental wellbeing, we live happier, healthier lives. We know that mental health care has the power to enact real, positive …

Category:  Health Go Health

Match with a Therapist

WEBIf you’re experiencing a life-threatening emergency, please call 911 or the National Suicide Prevention Lifeline at 988, or use these resources to get immediate help.988, or use …

Category:  Health Go Health

Therapy Services

WEBFind the best therapy for your needs, online or in-person, with SonderMind. Explore our resources and get matched with a licensed therapist today.

Category:  Health Go Health

Clinical Integrity: What It Is and Why It Matters to Your Practice

WEBThere are many qualities that help you succeed as a mental health professional — compassion, patience, expertise, great listening and communication …

Category:  Health Go Health

How SonderMind Works SonderMind

WEBIn-Network Mental Health Care, Online or In-Person

Category:  Health Go Health

Psychiatric Services

WEBEveryone is different. That’s why we don’t approach your care as a one-size-fits-all solution. If you're uncertain about what type of care is right for you, your doctor or general …

Category:  Health Go Health

Find a Therapist that accepts Blue Cross Blue Shield Near …

WEBSee all of our insurance partners by location. Explore tips and resources for your mental well-being, including physician- and psychologist-reviewed information on a range of …

Category:  Health Go Health

Does Insurance Cover Therapy

WEBUnderstanding Mental Health Benefits | SonderMind. Health insurance can be a hard topic to understand for most people. Between dedu.

Category:  Health Go Health

Conducting a Successful Intake With Your Clients SonderMind

WEBThe Introduction: Establish rapport and make a connection with your client. The Opening: Ask questions and elicit information from the client. The Body: Dive …

Category:  Health Go Health

Clinical Integrity: What It Is and Why It Matters to Your Practice

WEBThere are many qualities that help you succeed as a mental health professional —

Category:  Health Go Health

Insurance for Mental Health Care Services SonderMind

WEBIn-Network Mental Health Care, Online or In-Person

Category:  Health Go Health

How Are Mental Health and Physical Health Connected

WEBHow Are Mental Health and Physical Health Connected? | SonderMind. You’ve probably heard the old adage that you can die from a broken heart. But is.

Category:  Health Go Health

Let’s Talk: How to Normalize Conversations Around Mental Health

WEBExperiencing a mental health concern can make you feel alone and like no one und.

Category:  Health Go Health

Green Flags: What Does Mental Well-being Look Like

WEBMental health is an important part of overall health. It includes emotional, psy.

Category:  Health Go Health

Safety Plan FAQ: What It Is and How It Can Help High-Risk Clients

WEBA safety plan is a clinical document that a mental health provider creates to help a client maintain safety. Some clients may never require a safety plan, but you …

Category:  Health Go Health

Find a Therapist that accepts Medicare Near Me SonderMind

WEBSonderMind helps you find a therapist or counselor who is accepting new patients with Medicare plans for in-person or online sessions.

Category:  Health Go Health

Documenting end of care in the Golden Thread: Discharge …

WEBA discharge summary is the final piece of clinical documentation in the Golden T.

Category:  Health Go Health