Health and safety SchoolsWeb

WebOur Health and safety Team provide a comprehensive advice and support service to help you to fulfil your legal duties in relation to health and safety matters. The team has wide experience in dealing with health and safety in all types of schools including the provision of health and safety information and training, accident investigation and auditing.

Actived: Just Now


PSHE guidance SchoolsWeb

WebDfE guidance: Health Education September 2020. Health Education is mandated for all pupils in years 1 -11. Puberty is part of statutory Health Education. Parents/carers are not able to withdraw their children from this aspect of PSHE. Schools are not required to have a policy for Health Education.

Category:  Health Go Health

Curriculum and Resources Key Stages 3 & 4 SchoolsWeb

WebCurriculum and Resources Key Stages 3 & 4. There are a range of resources available to Buckinghamshire schools to support aspects of the PSHE curriculum, and sign posts to trusted services for children and families promoting the vital Public Health, Safeguarding and Equalities agendas. Part of providing good quality PHSE is to ensure young

Category:  Health Go Health

EHCP Annual Reviews SchoolsWeb

WebThe Annual Review of an Education Health and Care plan (EHCP) is not only a meeting but a process by which the outcomes set out in the EHC Plan and the effectiveness of provision are reviewed alongside all other sections of the EHCP. EHCPs must be reviewed and the process completed by the local authority (LA) as a minimum within every 12 months.

Category:  Health Go Health

Early Years and Childcare SchoolsWeb

WebThe Early Years’ Service ensures the Local Authority meets its statutory duty to secure sufficient high quality funded early education places for 2, 3 and 4-year-olds and sufficient childcare for 0-14/18 year-olds whose parents are in work or training to return to work. We are required to report annually to Cabinet Members on the Sufficiency

Category:  Health Go Health

Smoking and vaping SchoolsWeb

WebOverview. Although the number of people smoking is at its lowest level since records began, approximately 1 in 5 adults continue to smoke in England and approximately 96,000 people die each year as a direct result of smoking.

Category:  Health Go Health

EHC annual review guidance for settings and professionals

WebThe purpose of the annual review. The principal purpose of the annual review is to: Review the child or young person’s (CYP) progress toward meeting the outcomes in the EHC Plan and the targets set at the previous review. Review progress on outcomes in all relevant categories. Education, health and social care - should be reviewed.

Category:  Health Go Health

Developing outcomes in EHC Plans SchoolsWeb

WebThis section has been developed by the Delivering Better Outcomes Together Consortium as a resource to support the development of outcomes in Education, Health and Care plans (EHC plans). It includes the following sections: Key things to consider when developing outcomes. What are aspirations, needs, outcomes, and provisions in relation …

Category:  Health Go Health

Health, safety and food hygiene SchoolsWeb

WebSchools need to ensure that school meal services meet the requirements within the following regulations. Food Hygiene (England) Regulation 2006

Category:  Food Go Health

Education, Health and Care Plans (EHCPs) SchoolsWeb

WebEHC Plans are for children and young people from birth up to age 25. EHC Plans provide statutory protection in respect of educational provision. They are intended to be holistic and centred on the child or young person’s needs and because they are person-centred and contain an ‘All About Me’ section. An EHC Plan is only provided after an

Category:  Health Go Health

Staff training for pupils with medical conditions SchoolsWeb

WebAbout the course. The course is designed to help schools understand: the importance of record keeping, storage and administration of medicine for school support staff. This training is suitable for any employee who has responsibility for managing and administering medicines in school. It is recommended at least 3 members of staff are trained.

Category:  Medicine,  Course Go Health

EHC Needs Assessments and template letters SchoolsWeb

WebForm to request an EHC Needs Assessment September 2023 (for schools and professionals) Appendix B School Response form December 2023 (for schools) Parental Health Questionnaire for the EHCP Initial Assessment Process. Young Person Health Questionnaire for the EHCP Initial Assessment Process. Appendix A Children and young …

Category:  Health Go Health

General Learning Difficulties SchoolsWeb

WebGeneral learning difficulties are where the impact of the child or young person’s cognitive difficulties extends across all areas of the school curriculum – and typically into non-curricular domains too. For example, a pupil may have difficulties with their learning in literacy, numeracy, science etc., as well as with the acquisition of

Category:  Health Go Health

Special Educational Needs and Disabilities (SEND

WebBuckinghamshire has a population of 161,400 (0-25 years, ONS mid-year estimates 2019), of which 3.5% of children and young people have an Education, Health, and Care Plan (Mar 2021). 87,112 children and young people attend Buckinghamshire state-funded schools (Jan 2021), with 10.1% registered by their schools as receiving SEN …

Category:  Health Go Health

Child protection case conference SchoolsWeb

WebA Child and Family Assessment commences after a Strategy discussion decides to initiate S.47 enquiries, or when new information on an open case indicates a further assessment should be undertaken.Social Care must initiate a Child and Family Assessment under S.47 (Children Act 1989) in every case where the child is at risk of significant harm.

Category:  Health Go Health

PSHE Leadership SchoolsWeb

WebThe PSHE Association is the national body for Personal, Social, Health, and Economic Education. Having a membership with the PSHE Association will give you full access to a wealth of resources, guidance, and information to support you in your role. The PSHE Association has published a range of guidance documents to support PSHE teaching.

Category:  Health Go Health

The Aylesbury team SchoolsWeb

WebThe Aylesbury team. The Buckinghamshire iSEND team consists of teams of professionals including Educational Psychologists, Specialist Teachers, Education, Health and Care Coordinators (EHCCos), SEND Inclusion Advisors and other specialised professionals. These individuals work collaboratively to assess, plan, implement and review, …

Category:  Health Go Health

Policies and procedures SchoolsWeb

WebPolicies and procedures. Policies are intended to determine how the school works. The statutory ones are largely strategic; they should determine how the school addresses certain key processes by providing a framework for action by the headteacher and staff. Most schools will have several other policies in addition to the statutory ones, which

Category:  Health Go Health

Graduated approach

WebThe SEND Code of Practice 2015 defines the Graduated approach as: A model of action and intervention in early education settings, schools and colleges to help children and young people who have special educational needs. The approach recognises that there is a continuum of special educational needs and that, where necessary, increasing

Category:  Health Go Health