What is MEC and What Does it Cover

WebThe 10 health benefits they include are: Ambulatory Patient Services (outpatient services) Emergency Services. Hospital Visits. Maternity and Newborn Care. …

Actived: 4 days ago


What are the Advantages of the Affordable Care Act

WebThe ACA enacted a list of 10 essential benefits that all insurance plans must cover. They include: Preventive and wellness visits, including chronic disease management. …

Category:  Health Go Health

Difference Between ACA and Obamacare

WebThese 10 benefits include: Prescription drug coverage. Pediatric services. Preventative, wellness services, and chronic disease management. Emergency services. Hospital-stay …

Category:  Health Go Health

Preventative Services Covered by MEC

WebUltimate MEC covers the preventative services and wellness visits mentioned above, as well as primary care and specialist visits with a $15 copay. As well as urgent …

Category:  Health Go Health

How is ObamaCare different from Medicaid

WebObamacare ensures that insurance companies allow those with pre-existing conditions to receive the same care as those without. The most critical difference between Medicaid …

Category:  Health Go Health

Full-Time vs Part-Time Benefits: Why It Matters

WebPart-time employment typically refers to a worker who is employed for fewer hours per week than a full-time worker. Some employers may offer part-time employees …

Category:  Health Go Health

Open Enrollment 2022-2023: What You Need to Know

WebOpen enrollment periods range depending on the healthcare provider and the state the employee lives in. Nationally, open enrollment periods begin on November 1st 2022 …

Category:  Health Go Health

ACA Penalty A and B Breakdown

WebThe ACA was created in 2010 to offer more affordable health benefits to a wider range of people. Any ACA-compliant benefit plan must cover these 10 health …

Category:  Health Go Health

Understanding Minimum Essential Coverage Options

WebAll minimum essential coverage plans are ACA compliant and provide affordable benefits to employees. Basic MEC coverage generally includes: 100% coverage of wellness and …

Category:  Health Go Health

Fully Insured vs. Level Funded Plans: A Guide for Qualified ALEs

WebFinancial Risk. Fully Insured Plans: The insurance carrier bears the financial risk of employees’ healthcare expenses. Employers pay fixed premiums and have no …

Category:  Health Go Health

Ultimate MEC: What You Get and Why it Matters

WebX-rays are used for a variety of reasons to identify injuries. X-rays are most commonly used to perform bone scans to identify any breaks or fractures. They may also be utilized to …

Category:  Health Go Health

Coverage Details

WebFor More Information About This Notice Or Your Current Prescription Drug Coverage…. Call Staff Benefits Management & Administrators at (888) 505-7724. NOTE: You’ll get this …

Category:  Health Go Health

No Surprises Act Resource Page

WebThe purpose of this memorandum is to alert SBMA clients that sponsor SBMA’s Minimum Essential Coverage (MEC) plans to certain changes in the law governing group health …

Category:  Health Go Health

News and Updates

WebLatest News and Updates. Blog, News & Articles with insights into Minimum Essential Coverage, Affordable Care Act Compliance, and Health Benefits for Qualified Applicable …

Category:  Health Go Health

Pros and Cons of COBRA vs. Private Health Insurance

WebPros and Cons of COBRA Pros of COBRA. COBRA allows you to keep your same health insurance policy in the event you lost your job voluntarily, involuntarily, or through a …

Category:  Health Go Health