Your #1 resource for all things pelvic health Pelvic Health Support

WebWe are committed to providing you with the most valuable resources to help you on your wellness journey. Whether you’re looking to learn more about your condition, find a pelvic floor physiotherapist, get your daily dose of mindfulness or discover a product that can help improve your symptoms, you have come to the right place. We are here to

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Defining Pelvic Health Pelvic Health Support

WebPelvis: Foundation of support for the body. Pelvic Floor: A group of muscles, ligaments and tissues that support the organs of the pelvis which include the bladder, urethra, and rectum as well as the uterus and vagina for women and prostate for men. Functions of the Pelvic Floor Muscles. Causes of Pelvic Floor Disorders. Pelvic Pain.

Category:  Health Go Health

Vaginal Dilators Pelvic Health Support

WebHold the gentle pressure for 30-60 seconds before moving onto the next position. Intimate Rose Vaginal Dilators. Made of BPA-free, medical grade silicone with a unique silky finish to maximize comfort during use. They …

Category:  Medical Go Health

Embracing Emotion to Heal Pelvic Pain Pelvic Health Support

WebThis can happen anywhere in the body (jaw, back, pelvic floor, etc). Women with pelvic pain can have habitual patterns of guarding and protecting around emotions in their pelvis and pelvic floor. Holding your breath: Similar to contracted muscles, shallow breathing or holding the breath, inhibits the flow of emotional energy in your body. If

Category:  Health Go Health

A Comprehensive Guide to Vaginal Dilators Pelvic Health Support

WebTip #1: Use a water-based lubricant to reduce friction and make insertion more comfortable. Avoid oil-based or silicone-based lubricants, as they can damage certain types of dilators. Tip #2: Create a calming atmosphere in your space with soft lighting, soothing music, or aromatherapy to enhance relaxation. Tip #3: Re-apply lubricant as needed

Category:  Health Go Health

Endometriosis Diet PHS

WebFoods rich in prebiotic fiber include leeks, asparagus, onions, garlic, oats, bananas, berries, artichoke, konjac and other tubers.7,8. Foods to support hormone health for people with endometriosis. For some people with …

Category:  Food Go Health

Hypermobility Spectrum Disorder & Your Pelvic Floor PHS

WebHypermobility spectrum disorder is related to having looser connective tissue, including looser intestinal walls which can reduce intestinal contractility and can slow gastrointestinal motility. This can lead to stool remaining in the gut for longer periods and may cause gut dysbiosis. Slower motility causes constipation and can lead to

Category:  Health Go Health

Nutrition for Pelvic Health Pelvic Health Support

WebCan assess nutrient intake and identify any deficiencies or imbalances that may impact pelvic health; Can provide guidance on incorporating nutrient-dense foods into the diet to support overall health and well-being; Supporting Overall Well-being. Can provide emotional support and motivation throughout the journey of managing pelvic health issues

Category:  Food Go Health

Pelvic Health Physiotherapy Pelvic Health Support

WebLearn why and how to prioritize your health utilizing various strategies to assist you in modifying your daily habits and behaviours; Help you create actionable steps that often include exercise prescription, nutrition advice and often a referral for more tailored advice from a naturopath Benefits of Pelvic Health Physiotherapy:

Category:  Nutrition Go Health

Finding the Right Pelvic Health Practitioner Pelvic Health Support

WebMention Pelvic Health Suppor t for 10% off your first visit. Dr. Ciara Scott is a pelvic health physical therapist and educator with a passion for people and pelvic health issues. She graduated with her doctorate of physical therapy degree from Loma Linda University in 2018, and has been working in the area of pelvic health since 2019.

Category:  Health Go Health

Stress + Its Impact on Pelvic Health Pelvic Health Support

WebAliya is a physiotherapist with 12 years of experience. She focuses exclusively on women’s health + pelvic health, including prenatal and postpartum pelvic health, incontinence, painful intimacy, and pelvic pain and teaching the right pelvic floor exercises for the person, situation, and their goals.

Category:  Health Go Health

Managing PCOS-Related Pelvic Pain Pelvic Health Support

WebThis helps avoid shallow chest breathing, which can hinder pelvic floor relaxation. Incorporating pelvic floor stretches into your routine, such as Happy Baby, Deep Squat, Cat/Cow Stretch, Figure Four Stretch, Child’s Pose, Adductor Stretch, and Hamstring Stretch, can further support pelvic health. Perform these stretches 5-7 days a week

Category:  Health Go Health

Exercises & Breathing Techniques for PCOS PHS

WebBreathing Techniques for Pelvic Health. Breathing is a fundamental aspect of pelvic floor health. As mentioned earlier, diaphragmatic breathing plays a crucial role in gently stretching the pelvic floor muscles. However, there are more breathing techniques you can incorporate into your routine to further support pelvic health: 1. Pursed Lip

Category:  Health Go Health

The Impacts of Breast Cancer on Pelvic Health PHS

WebThey may also cause muscle and joint pain, which can affect the muscles of the pelvis as well as the pelvic and hip joints. Several other aspects of cancer treatment disrupt digestion and bowel/bladder function. Anesthesia used during surgery and medications prescribed for pain management are known causes of constipation, further impacting

Category:  Cancer Go Health

Occupational Therapy Pelvic Health Support

WebEducation and Awareness:Educate individuals about the anatomy and function of the pelvic floor, promoting awareness of proper pelvic health practices – Explain how different activities, habits, and postures can affect pelvic health. Pelvic Floor Muscle Training: Teach pelvic floor muscle exercises to help strengthen and improve the coordination of the …

Category:  Health Go Health

Biopsychosocial Approach Pelvic Health Support

WebThe BIOPSYCHOSOCIAL APPROACH includes the following: The purpose of this site is to act as a guide to help you achieve optimal pelvic health through the exploration of the BPS approach. Multifaceted, complex conditions require a BIOPSYCHOSOCIAL approach to treatment which consists of looking beyond the ‘quick fix’ mentality.

Category:  Health Go Health

Benefits of Pelvic Wands for Pelvic Pain Pelvic Health Support

WebBy using a wand, individuals can apply pressure to specific trigger points, releasing tension and promoting relaxation in the pelvic region. This precision allows for a personalized and controlled self-care experience. The gentle massage and pressure applied by pelvic wands contribute to improved blood circulation in the pelvic area.

Category:  Health Go Health

Women's Health and Healing Pelvic Health Support

WebDaphna is a member of the American Physical Therapy Association (APTA), Women's Health Section and Private Practice Section, International Society for the Study of Women's Sexual Health (ISSWSH) and the International Pelvic Pain Society (IPPS). She is committed to providing excellent care in a warm, nurturing environment.

Category:  Health Go Health

Acupuncture for Pelvic Health Pelvic Health Support

WebACUPUNCTURE | PELVIC HEALTH. Find an Acupuncturist; Assists the body in regulating Qi (vital energy) and achieving balance; Very thin needles are used to stimulate specific meridian points in the body; Ability to directly access the muscles of …

Category:  Health Go Health

Beyond Diaphragmatic Breathing Pelvic Health Support

WebThis is where Pain Reprocessing Therapy (PRT) emerges as a beacon of hope in the realm of pelvic pain treatment. PRT operates on the premise that neuroplastic pain is a misinterpretation of the brain. By addressing the learned misinterpretations in the brain, PRT seeks to rewire these neural pathways, providing a path towards lasting relief.

Category:  Health Go Health

Orthopaedics and Pelvic Health Pelvic Health Support

WebThe urinary system, as coordination of the pelvic floor muscles is necessary for both urination and urinary continence. The gastrointestinal system, and its role in defecation, fecal continence, abdominal pain/bloating, and constipation. The reproductive system, as it relates to menstruation, menopause, pregnancy/postpartum states, and sexual

Category:  Health Go Health

Push Prep & Physiotherapy Pelvic Health Support

WebSpontaneous pushing refers to the pushing technique that is triggered by a woman’s natural reflexes when the baby descends into the birth canal. With this technique mothers and birthing persons push when they feel the urge to push, and push 3-5 times per contraction, usually using open glottis breathing to push.

Category:  Health Go Health