
Definition of Health

WebDOI: 10.1136/bmj.d4163. This interdisciplinary group of public health experts critiqued the WHO definition of health and proposed changing the emphasis from “complete physical, mental and social health” toward the ability to adapt and self …

Actived: 9 days ago

URL: https://www.oxfordbibliographies.com/abstract/document/obo-9780199756797/obo-9780199756797-0132.xml

Community Health Interventions

WebThese modifications can be environmental, political, economic, and/or sociocultural. Community health interventions have deep roots in the theories of not only health behavior, but also in those of social change. Increasingly, this tactic of community …

Category:  Health Go Health

Public Health Systems in the United States

WebIntroductory Works. As a field of practice, public health has a history in the United States of at least two centuries, but only since the late 1980s has the concept of public health systems developed. Beginning with Institute of Medicine 1988, the concept …

Category:  Medicine Go Health

History of Public Health

WebThe history of public health is dynamic and being generated on a constant basis. Diseases have provided the stimulus for much of the activity in public health. In a handful of instances, overcoming a disease has removed a barrier to commerce or another desired …

Category:  Health Go Health

Health Communication

WebAnthologies and Edited Volumes. Anthologies presented here represent a wide range of research, theory, case studies, and topical essays. Students may notice that some research approaches health communication with an emphasis on health (e.g., …

Category:  Health Go Health

Culture and Public Health

WebThe concept of culture has been used as a descriptive and explanatory concept in public health efforts to understand human action and knowledge about health, illness, medicine, and health-seeking practices of individuals and groups. Increased global connections …

Category:  Medicine Go Health

Evidence-Based Public Health Practice

WebBrownson, R. C., J. E. Fielding, and C. M. Maylahn. 2009. Evidence-based public health: A fundamental concept for public health practice. Annual Review of Public Health 30:175–201. DOI: 10.1146/annurev.publhealth.031308.100134. Calls attention to the …

Category:  Health Go Health

Health Measurement Scales

WebHealth measurement scales are those tools and items used to collect and analyze data regarding health indicators and outcomes to evaluate health status of both individuals and populations. In this section, entries provide background information …

Category:  Health Go Health

Health Education

WebHealth education is defined as “any combination of learning experiences designed to facilitate voluntary actions conducive to health” ( Green and Kreuter 2005 ). Although the history of health education dates back to the 19th century, it was not until …

Category:  Health Go Health

Behavior Change Theory in Health Education and Promotion

WebGeneral Overviews. Schroeder 2007 provides one of the most concise and compelling rationales for the importance of addressing health behaviors. Further detail is provided in Fisher, et al. 2011.The tables in Fisher, et al. 2011 provide detailed …

Category:  Health Go Health

Program Planning and Evaluation

WebIntroductory Works. A number of excellent introductory materials and resources are available online including Building Healthy Communities, and the W. K. Kellogg Foundation. The Framework for Program Evaluation in Public Health (Centers …

Category:  Health Go Health

Public Health Advocacy

WebThe term “public health advocacy” refers to educating, organizing, and mobilizing for systems change in population health. Current and future threats to the health of the community are identified and public health advocates work to inform, create, and …

Category:  Health Go Health

Needs Assessment

WebIntroductory Works. Available online for community action groups or people who are new to the area are several practical resources, such as the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention 2010, Cavanaugh and Chadwick 2005, Work Group for …

Category:  Health Go Health

Women and Medicine

WebWomen played substantial roles as healers in Renaissance and Reformation Europe, as well as experiencing ill health and serving as a focus of medical inquiry. The history of pre-modern women and medicine received its first modern treatment in a …

Category:  Medical,  Medicine Go Health

Black Death and Plague: The Disease and Medical Thought

WebIntroduction. The history of the Black Death constitutes one of the most interdisciplinary fields of Renaissance and Reformation studies, bringing together not only a wide spectrum of scholars in the humanities and social sciences—students of literature, …

Category:  Health Go Health

Human Sexuality and Sexual Health: A Western Perspective

WebComprehensive rights-based sexuality education is a cornerstone of sexual health, as discussed in the Oxford Bibliographies in Public Health article Sex Education in HIV/AIDS Prevention by Jessica M. Sales and Ralph J. DiClemente. Freedom to choose …

Category:  Health Go Health