MTHFR Mutations and Associated Conditions

WebMTHFR gene mutations can cause absolutely no symptoms at all. They may also increase susceptibility to severe health conditions. Research is still pending on which medical conditions are caused by, or at least partially attributed to, the MTHFR gene mutations. I actually don’t think any of these are actually caused by MTHFR mutations.

Actived: 5 days ago


Dr Ben Lynch MTHFR Expert Methylation and Nutrigenomics

WebThe failure of America’s health care system is failing millions of people on a daily basis. Led to the creation of Dr Ben Lynch and all the sister partner sites and programs which are constantly in development. 2013: Held first major conference on Methylation and Nutrigenomics: Part 1 at Bastyr University.

Category:  Health Go Health

Dr Lynch Family: Myriad of MTHFR Mutations

WebDear Dr. Lynch, Thank you so much for this article, it brings peace to see a plan that is not so overwhelming!! My 19 year old daughter’s health problems led us to test for Mthfr, and it turns out that she, her twin, and her 3 year old sister are Homozygous 677t, and me and her 5 year old sister are Heterozygous 1298c-Heterzygous 677t.

Category:  Health Go Health

MTHFR A1298C Mutation: Some Information on A1298C MTHFR …

WebMy current stance on the heterozygous MTHFR A1298C mutation is that it is very common and does not seem to pose too much concern unless there are other methylation or cytochrome mutations present. Obviously, if one leads a lifestyle which is unhealthy (smoking, high stress, toxic exposures) and consumes an unhealthy diet …

Category:  Health Go Health

Contact Dr. Lynch's Team

WebContact Dr. Lynch’s Team. Dr. Lynch’s time is limited to writing, educating, formulating, presenting and research. Learning: Dr. Lynch published a book called Dirty Genes which became an instant national bestseller and continues to be. It addresses the MTHFR mutation heavily along with other key genes: COMT, MAOA, GST/GPX, PEMT, NOS3 …

Category:  Health Go Health