At-Home Colon Cancer Test Can Save Lives

A simple home screening test for colon cancer can reduce the risk of dying from the disease by 33%, a new study shows.. Results indicate that undergoing annual at-home FIT …

Actived: 7 days ago


Top Healthy Foods to Eat Every Day: 20 Foods

20 healthy foods you should be eating. 1. Leafy greens. Dark, leafy, green vegetables are nutrient-dense, containing a wide range of vitamins and minerals while being …

Category:  Food,  Vitamin Go Health

22 Foods and Drinks to Help Repair Your Lungs and Make …

The combination of this with hot water can help to detoxify your lungs and rid them of inhaled pollutants. Eggs: Your eggs are a healthy fat and a source of protein. Proteins help …

Category:  Health Go Health

Senior Health: Successful Aging

A good and healthy diet has numerous potential benefits for the health of seniors. Heart disease, vascular disease, dia betes, high blood pressure, high cholesterol, strokes, mem ory problems, …

Category:  Health Go Health

What Are 10 Tips for a Healthy Lifestyle

2. Stay well hydrated. Remember to drink 8 glasses of water a day. Your body is made up of 80% water, and water is necessary for regular bowel function, optimal muscle performance, and …

Category:  Health Go Health

Symptoms of Serious Diseases and Health Problems

Signs of a stroke happen suddenly and are different from signs of a heart a ttack. The American Stroke Association recommends remembering the mnemonic F.A.S.T. to spot a stroke and …

Category:  Health Go Health

17 Fruits Good for Kidneys: 10 Foods to Avoid

Hence, potassium intake should be reduced in a kidney disease diet. Many fruits, including melons, bananas, oranges, prunes, and tomatoes, are high in potassium. Fruit punches, …

Category:  Health Go Health

What Are the Seven Areas of Wellness

The seven areas of wellness are: Physical: Caring for your physical health. Emotional: Managing your emotions positively and empathizing with the others around you. Intellectual: Keeping …

Category:  Health Go Health

What Happens if You Eat Walnuts Every Day

Eating an ounce of walnuts every day reduces your risk of heart disease and they are full of proteins, calories, and healthy fats. Walnuts are among the most health-enhancing …

Category:  Health Go Health

What Are the 12 Habits for a Healthy Mind and Body

12 habits for a healthy mind and body. Get adequate rest. While you keep working throughout the day handling your professional and household responsibilities, remember to get rest too. Get …

Category:  Health Go Health

What Is the Healthiest Lettuce to Eat

Romaine lettuce: This lettuce is high in nutritional content. A traditional salad base, romaine lettuce contains healthy amounts of the minerals magnesium, calcium, potassium, …

Category:  Nutrition Go Health

Research Confirms Chronic High Blood Pressure's Link to Stroke

Having high blood pressure in adulthood greatly raises the odds for multiple types of stroke, a new study confirms. “Our results suggest that early diagnosis and sustained control …

Category:  Health Go Health

Are Onions Healthier Raw or Cooked

How you choose to prepare and eat onions depends on individual preference, taste, and circumstances. As a general rule, lightly cooking onions for 1 or 2 minutes is …

Category:  Health Go Health

11 Health Benefits of Eating a Spoonful of Honey Every Day

Health benefits of eating a spoonful of honey everyday include diabetes management, cancer management, better heart health, and other benefits. Honey is a brown, sticky, sugar …

Category:  Cancer Go Health

Can Your Fingernails Tell You How Healthy You Are

Fingernails can be a good indicator of your health in many cases. They can provide hints of your overall health through their color, shape, and texture. Healthy fingernails are generally even, …

Category:  Health Go Health

Is Donating Plasma Good for Your Body

Allows your blood to refresh. According to scientific studies, regular plasma and even whole blood donation provide health benefits for the donor. Donating plasma or whole …

Category:  Health Go Health

What Does Swiss Chard Do for the Body

Swiss chard, like many other leafy greens, is loaded with nutrients, vitamins, and phytochemicals.It is regarded as a powerhouse of flavonoid antioxidants, vitamins, calcium, …

Category:  Vitamin Go Health

More Americans With Diabetes Are Turning to Marijuana

As marijuana loses much of its stigma and laws around its use relax, Americans are increasingly consuming it medically and recreationally.. Americans with diabetes are no …

Category:  Medical Go Health

As Days Heat Up, More Seniors Skip Doc Appointments

More folks, especially seniors, are missing doctors' appointments due to extreme weather, a new study shows. The rate of missed primary care appointments increases 0.64% …

Category:  Health Go Health

Is Sunflower Oil Good For You, and Is It Healthier Than Olive Oil

Sunflower oil is made by pressing sunflower seeds. Although all oils are liquid fats, some kinds — like sunflower oil — contain healthier fats than others.Olive oil is also a source …

Category:  Health Go Health

Younger May Not Fare Better When It Comes to Leg Artery Disease

Middle-aged folks don’t necessarily fare better than seniors following urgent surgery to unclog arteries and restore blood flow to their legs, a new study warns.

Category:  Health Go Health