
Health Benefits of Good Work icare

WebThe provision of good work is a key determinant of the health and wellbeing of employees, their families and broader society. Long term work absence, work disability and unemployment may have a negative impact on health and wellbeing. All workplaces should strive to be both healthy and safe. Providing access to good work is an effective means

Actived: 4 days ago

URL: https://www.icare.nsw.gov.au/practitioners-and-providers/gps-and-treating-doctors/treatment-and-recovery/health-benefits-of-good-work/

COVID-19 fact sheets icare

WebThis employer toolkit addresses areas for consideration to ensure the health and safety of employees once they have returned to the workplace. Fact sheets for workers. COVID-19 safety checklist for mobile workers 0.26 MB (pdf) | Uploaded 30 Nov 2021. This checklist is for workers who travel to different locations as part of their job.

Category:  Health Go Health

Stress management strategies for healthcare workers icare

WebTip sheets and online resources. WHO: Mental health and psychosocial considerations during COVID-19 outbreak Ted article: "I'm incredibly anxious about coronavirus" Dr Russ Harris, author of The Happiness Trap: How to respond effectively to the coronavirus PDF (0.2MB) Mobile apps. Smiling Mind- free mindfulness meditation app to help you look …

Category:  Coronavirus Go Health

Importance of recovery at work icare

WebThe Health Benefits of Good Work is an initiative of the Australasian Faculty of Occupational and Environmental Medicine and recognises that there is compelling international and Australasian evidence that work is generally good for health and wellbeing, and that long-term work absence, work disability and unemployment generally have a negative

Category:  Medicine Go Health

Health & medical professionals icare

WebAn allied health recovery request (AHRR) aims to: Assist case managers in determining what is reasonably necessary treatment; Assist your patient to develop a clear plan to recover at work and return to work. Simplify processes by increasing consistency across allied health practitioner groups. SIRA approved allied health professionals

Category:  Health Go Health

Who is eligible to make a workers insurance claim icare

WebIf you have sustained a severe injury in a NSW workplace and have an accepted workers insurance claim, you may be eligible for the Workers Care Program. Severe injuries can include: permanent blindness. If you've been injured at work, you may be eligible to make a claim to receive treatment, help with returning to work and workers compensation.

Category:  Health Go Health

icare Coronavirus information for injured workers icare

WebThe legislation requires injured workers to make reasonable efforts to return to work. If an claims service provider does not believe a worker is making reasonable efforts, it may take steps to suspend a worker’s weekly payments. What constitutes an unreasonable refusal to return to work will depend on the circumstances.

Category:  Health Go Health

Psychological Wellbeing for People with a Severe Injury icare

WebFollowing a severe injury, your psychological wellbeing is just as important as your physical health. You and your family may experience a range of emotional reactions and major life changes after a severe injury. Feelings of sadness, grief and despair are a common reaction to the change in lifestyle and relationships that may occur.

Category:  Health Go Health

Work health and safety (WHS) inductions for new and young …

Webcreating a safe, positive workplace culture where people feel confident to speak up and ask questions about health and safety. At the end of the day, employers and supervisors have the greatest influence on young worker's attitudes and approach to WHS. Therefore, as an employer, you are responsible for ensuring your workers understand the role

Category:  Health Go Health

Insurance & Care Services for the People of NSW icare

WebOur business. Over 3.2 million workers protected across more than 329,000 NSW businesses. icare acts for and provides services to the Workers Compensation Nominal Insurer (Workers Insurance). It is the single largest workers compensation insurer in NSW. $266.6 billion of the State's assets covered. icare Insurance for NSW is the largest public

Category:  Health Go Health

The importance of injury prevention icare

WebPreventing injuries is important for a number of reasons, including: ethical/moral: injuries can have a significant negative effect on a person's life and livelihood. legal: NSW businesses have an obligation to provide a safe work environment under the Work Health and Safety Act 2011. operational: injuries impact on productivity and costs, such

Category:  Health Go Health

Eligibility for continuation of wages and medical benefits

WebEligibility for continuation of wages post 260 weeks. Within Section 39 of the Workers Compensation Act 1987, weekly benefits are available for a maximum period of 260 weeks (five years). Section 39 applies unless an injured worker has a permanent impairment (WPI) of more than 20 per cent. Note: Section 39 does not apply to exempt categories of

Category:  Health Go Health

The role of the Nominated Treating Doctor icare

WebThe Nominated Treating Doctor (NTD) plays a key role in the recovery and rehabilitation of people who are injured at work. Your patient can choose their own Nominated Treating Doctor (NTD). Most often the NTD will be a General Practitioner, but a specialist can also act as one. Medical professionals and other health practitioners play an

Category:  Medical Go Health

icare Coronavirus information for employers icare

Webthe health care sector, including public health employees and a person who works at a private health facility; police and emergency services; firefighters (including rural fire services) ambulance officers ; educational institutions, including pre-schools, schools and tertiary institutions (other than establishments providing only online teaching)

Category:  Health Go Health

Healthcare consumables icare

WebHealthcare consumables are products that are intended to be used up quickly and are then disposed of. They are often single or short-term use products. icare provides healthcare consumables to participants and workers so they can manage their injury-related continence, wound care, respiratory, nutritional and skin integrity needs.

Category:  Nutrition Go Health

The NSW workers compensation system icare

WebThe NSW workers compensation system provides support to people injured at work, including assistance with recovering and returning to work wherever possible. Support and assistance may be provided in the form of: and, in certain cases, compensation for non-economic loss. The State Insurance Regulatory Authority (SIRA) is the NSW Government

Category:  Health Go Health

Recovery at work and return to work goals icare

WebThe earlier the worker can commence the return to work process, the more successful it is likely to be. There are many known benefits of an early return to work, including: Work helps injured workers to stay active and is an important part of their recovery. Staying active helps to reduce pain. Being at work is an opportunity to connect with

Category:  Health Go Health

Secondary psychological injuries icare

WebSecondary psychological injuries can be caused by an individual's reaction to a primary event or injury. They can stem from an individual's attempts to cope with a primary injury or event and can develop during the process of recovery and rehabilitation. Secondary psychological injuries can manifest in various ways, such as mental health

Category:  Health Go Health

Supporting health literacy: Using the Conversational Health …

WebThe Conversational Health Literacy Assessment Tool (CHAT) is a quick health literacy conversation tool that anyone can use to assist with: • identifying health literacy support needs. • identifying barriers and challenges across the four categories of health literacy (access, understand, apply, and appraise) which may be preventing the

Category:  Health Go Health

Treating and referring workers icare

WebReferring to a specialist. Certain specialist, diagnostic and allied health services are exempt from the pre-approval under NSW workers compensation. You can refer your patient to a specialist as you would in general practice. Specialist consultations within the first three months from the date of injury will not require approval from the

Category:  Health Go Health