Process health fund claims with HealthPoint Cliniko Help

WebThrough Cliniko, you're able to process health fund claims with HealthPoint (a mobile version of how you'd use a terminal to process health fund cards). First, though, you'll need to connect your Cliniko account to a program called Tyro Health (formerly Medipass). While we're not directly related to them, we've worked closely with them to allow

Actived: 8 days ago


Troubleshooting common telehealth problems Cliniko …

WebIf you're still stuck, our Cliniko support team will certainly see what we can do to help! Just reach out to us and we'll assist. In some cases, it could be that the patient has tried to open the telehealth link from "within" another application, such as Facebook Messenger. This may result in the telehealth link not working correctly.

Category:  Health Go Health

An overview of Medicare & Cliniko Cliniko Help

WebWe've tightly integrated with Tyro Health (formerly Medipass), a digital health payment company, to provide this functionality. This article gives you a quick overview of how things work—and from here, we'll direct you towards more in-depth guides on all things Medicare! Below, we'll briefly cover how to: Integrate Cliniko with Tyro Health.

Category:  Health Go Health

Virtual reception & Cliniko: a guide for practice owners

WebGenerally speaking, a virtual reception role is going to be pretty much the same as an in-office reception role! While it's true that a virtual receptionist probably won't be printing off receipts to physically give to patients as they leave the clinic, or handling paper intake forms, they will be logging into your Cliniko account to assist

Category:  Health Go Health

Telehealth and Medicare claiming Cliniko Help

WebOn April 1st, 2020, Cliniko founder Joel Friedlaender and Tyro Health (a digital health payment company) co-founder Pete Williams discussed the recent addition of telehealth bulk billing rebates for allied health practitioners in Australia. Pete is a wealth of knowledge on all things Medicare, and this webinar they recorded should answer everything you need to …

Category:  Health Go Health

Cliniko & Medicare: Frequently asked questions Cliniko …

WebIn short, no. When processing bulk bill claims, Medicare rules state that the claim must be submitted to Medicare for the whole value of the service. Medicare will then process the claim and pay you (the clinic) the relevant rebate. . If you are taking any payment from a patient, you should be processing a Patient claim instead.

Category:  Health Go Health

Telehealth security, explained Cliniko Help

WebTelehealth security, explained. Cliniko's telehealth functionality is safe and secure—only you and the patients you invite can be a part of the meeting. Written by Emily. Updated over a week ago. It's normal to have questions around the security of a feature like this, especially when you're going to be using it to talk to your patients.

Category:  Health Go Health

Set up Cliniko for Medicare claiming with Tyro Health

WebThe final step before connecting your Tyro Health account with Cliniko is to ensure that your billable items are ready for Medicare claiming. First, head to Settings, and then Billable items: To add a new bulk billing or patient claim item, click on the Add service or Add other button: Fill out the details for your new billable item: Otherwise

Category:  Health Go Health

Patient management Cliniko Help

WebMerge duplicate patients. Create notes that appear on all appointments for a patient. Add notes to a patient. Attach a file to a patient. Archive a file attachment. Add a medical alert to a patient. Relate patients to one another. Assign a concession type to a patient. Assign a recall type to a patient.

Category:  Medical Go Health

How Cliniko helps you with HIPAA compliance Cliniko Help

WebA Business Associate Agreement (BAA for short) is a document that HIPAA requires you (a healthcare business) to have with us (your software provider). While Cliniko doesn't directly collect PHI, it's used to store PHI. It's basically meant to ensure that both parties (you and us) are adhering to HIPAA, and it outlines what's required on each

Category:  Health Go Health

Print all of a patient's notes and other history

WebFirst, select the patient you need all the notes for. Then, click the History button: This will bring you to a new page that will let you filter information by date, practitioner, business, and "record" (such as appointments, treatment notes, or patient forms): If you want to print everything, don't worry about using the filters—by default

Category:  Health Go Health

Add provider numbers to invoices Cliniko Help

WebNow you'll be in the "practitioner information" page. At the top, you'll see a field called Reference numbers. You'll see three fields: Type: the type of number you're adding. Number: the actual number that you've been assigned. Business: which clinic this number applies to. You can add as many as you need, and if you/this practitioner work at

Category:  Health Go Health

Process bulk bill claims for Medicare Cliniko Help

WebTo process a bulk bill claim for Medicare, create the patient's invoice as you normally would. After creating it, you'll see that you have the option to bulk bill (below the payment summary): In order to proceed, you'll need to hit that "Bulk Billing" link next to the Medicare logo. From there, you'll be able to enter claim details (note that

Category:  Health Go Health

Logging in to Cliniko Cliniko Help

WebIf you have only one Cliniko account under that email, you'll be brought straight to your Cliniko login page. If you have multiple Cliniko accounts under the same email, you'll be asked to choose which account you want to log into:

Category:  Health Go Health

Integrate Cliniko with Tyro Health Cliniko Help

WebIf you're in Australia, you probably know all about Medicare and Private Health Insurance! You're able to process Medicare claims and health fund claims through Cliniko via a program called Tyro Health (formerly Medipass).While we're not directly related to them, we've worked closely with them to allow for Cliniko to connect to Medicare and HealthPoint.

Category:  Health Go Health

Setting up your Cliniko account Cliniko Help

WebSetting up your schedule. Changing your schedule from a future date. Add breaks to your weekly schedule. Daily appointment reminders for practitioners. Edit your practitioner information. My practitioner information didn't save. Change your email address or password. Set up 2 factor authentication (2FA)

Category:  Health Go Health

Booking an appointment Cliniko Help

WebNavigate to the spot on the calendar that you wish to book the appointment. Click on it, and you'll see a pop-up box for your new appointment: Once you've entered the relevant information, click Create appointment. The new appointment will show up on your calendar! If you click on it, you will see all if its details (including the patient's

Category:  Health Go Health

Invoicing & payments Cliniko Help

WebAutomatically email online payment receipts. Choose which appointment types should require online payments. Require a deposit for online bookings. Allocate online booking deposits as account credit, rather than payment on an invoice. Add a "Powered by Stripe" badge to online payments. Process online payments in Cliniko.

Category:  Health Go Health