
Jewish Daily Prayers

WEBMost siddurim (plural of siddur) contain the prayers for evening (Ma'ariv), morning (Shacharit), and afternoon (Minchah) services for Shabbat, holy days, and weekdays. A machzor is a prayerbook for the High Holy Days (Rosh Hashanah and Yom Kippur). Note: If you attend a service on Shabbat, the siddur used will probably be one for Shabbat and …

Actived: Just Now

URL: https://hebrew4christians.com/Prayers/Daily_Prayers/daily_prayers.html

Sickness Unto Life: The Propaedeutic of Faith

WEBThe Propaedeutic of Faith. by John J. Parsons. In his famous Gifford Lectures regarding the nature of religious belief, the American philosopher William James (1842-1910) described the consciousness of death as "the worm at the core" of all that we hope for in the attempt to find lasting happiness apart from God.

Category:  Health Go Health

Hebrew Blessing for Healing

WEBTranslation: Heal us, O Lord, and we shall be healed; save us, and we will be saved, for the one we praise is You. Bring complete healing for all our sicknesses, [* at this point, you may interject a prayer for one who is ill, see above], for O God, for You are our faithful and compassionate Healer and King.Blessed are you, Lord, the Healer of the sick of Israel.

Category:  Health Go Health

Healing and Praise

WEBRefuah Shelemah. for you are my praise." ( Jer. 17:14) IT IS GOOD TO PRAISE AND TRUST the LORD despite our afflictions, and indeed, suffering itself presents an invitation to come before God in prayer ( James 5:13 ). Suffering offers us a nisayon ( נִסָּיוֹן ), a test, for our hearts to be exercised in ways otherwise rendered

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God's Healing Code

WEBA Biblical Proverb speaks directly to the problem, "don't eat much sugar." Providing clear instructions on healthy eating that is consistent with recent scientific discovery, food becomes healing when consumed the way God intended. With simplicity, the truth about healthy fats and the problem with sugar are explained through Scripture.

Category:  Food Go Health

Learn Hebrew with these products from Hebrew4Christians

WEBShare the message of the Jewish roots of your faith by wearing a custom Hebrew shirt from Hebrew4Christians. Various Hebrew lettering options are available, including Rashi, STA"M, Cursive, and plain text Hebrew. Portions of profits will be given to tzedakah. Hebrew4ChristiansCafePress Store.

Category:  Health Go Health

Introduction to Hebrew Blessings

WEBIt is interesting to note that the word translated "blessed" (barukh) is related to the Hebrew word for "knee" (berekh), as is the word for "blessing" (b'rakha), thus implying an association between humbling ourselves (i.e., kneeling before Him in recognition of His blessedness) and receiving personal blessing from Him. Indeed, "Blessed be the God …

Category:  Health Go Health

Asher Yatzar et Ha'Adam

WEBThe Asher Yatzar is mentioned in the Talmud (Berachot 60b) as one of the blessings compiled by the Men of the Great Assembly (c. 410-310 BC). In addition to acknowledging God's wisdom in creating our bodies, the blessing also includes an affirmation of God's healing power, rofei khol basar u'mafli la'asot, "who heals all flesh and is wondrous

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The Festival of Sukkot

WEB1. Etrog (grOt.a,), a lemon-like citrus fruit (citron) referred to as pri etz hadar [“the product of goodly trees”] that is minimally the size of a hen’s egg. An etrog with an intact pitam (stem) is considered especially valuable. The gematria of.

Category:  Health Go Health

Hebrew Blessing for Giving Wisdom

WEBHebrew blessings for Wisdom. Chokhmah (wisdom) is a response to the teaching (torah) of the personal God (YHVH), who is holy and just, and who expects those who know him to exhibit His character in the affairs of life. This view of wisdom is different than the speculative wisdom of the Greeks, who stressed that "knowledge was virtue" (e.g., if a …

Category:  Health Go Health

Hebrew for Christians

WEBA little bit of Yiddish Yiddish is a language that is used by Ashkenazi Jews that is related to German (but also has many Slavic, Hebrew, and Aramaic loan words). It is written

Category:  Health Go Health

Hebrew Bedtime Blessings

WEBHebrew Bedtime Blessings. I will both lay me down in peace, and sleep: for thou, LORD, only makest me dwell in safety. - Psalm 4:8. WHEN GOING TO BED for the day, it is good to give thanks to the LORD who sustained you and gave you another day of life. Here are a sequence of blessings and Scripture verses traditionally recited before falling to

Category:  Health Go Health

Recite this blessing when eating a snack: Ã ~ l'A [ h' % l, mñ , …

WEBShehakol Blessing Card www.hebrew4christians.com à ~ l'A [ h' % l, mñ , W ny hñ l{ a/ h w"h y> h T 'a; % W r B ' ÅA rb' d> Bi h y" h. nI lKo h; v,

Category:  Health Go Health


WEB3”. cut and laminate. 5”. [Back Side] AFTER TORAH STUDY. Recite this blessing after studying the Holy Scriptures: “Blessed are You, Lord our God, King of the universe, who gave us the Torah of truth – Yeshua our Messiah – and set everlasting life in our midst. Blessed are You, O Lord, Giver of the Torah.”. 3”.

Category:  Health Go Health

Recite before eating vegetables or fruits grown in the earth: Ã …

WEBHa’adamah Blessing Card www.hebrew4christians.com à ~ l'A [ h' % l, m, W ny h,l {ñ a/ h w"h y> h T 'a; % W r B '' Åhm' d "a] h' y rP. ú a r EA B

Category:  Health Go Health

Rosh Chodesh Blessings

WEBKiddush Levanah (Sanctification of the Moon) The moon is sometimes called levanah in Hebrew (from lavan, white).Kiddush Levanah (sanctification of the moon) is a ceremony that takes place outdoors on a clear night soon after Rosh Chodesh (often on the first Shabbat night that follows Rosh Chodesh). The blessing is normally written in oversized letters in …

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