How Physical Fitness Relates to Your Good Health

WEBPhysical Fitness is Essential to Your Best Health. But first and foremost, physical fitness is a mental state of mind. It is about adopting a mentality that keeps you proactive.

Actived: 3 days ago


Do You Stretch After A Workout

WEB8 Reasons To Stretch After A Workout. Stretching afterward can significantly reduce post workout soreness and pain. Reduce fatigue and speed recovery. Relax tight muscles from your workout. Aid in staying flexible and range of motion to help keep muscles from stiffening up after being stressed. Helps eliminate latic acid that accumulates in

Category:  Health Go Health

How To Get Fit And Stay Healthy

WEBIs your weight and state of fitness getting in the way of life? That’s when we start thinking about how to get fit and stay healthy, isn’t it?

Category:  Fitness Go Health

How to Keep Yourself Healthy: A Step-by-Step Guide

WEBDrink plenty of water. Exercise regularly. Get enough sleep. Notice how this list of ways to maintain a healthy weight corresponds so well with how to keep yourself healthy. When you think about it, keeping your weight down with healthy techniques can make or break your overall health in many ways.

Category:  Health Go Health

Assessing Your Fitness Level For Safe Exercise

WEBCalisthenic exercises are the most commonly used as they evaluate both physical endurance and body mass. There are several other ways to assess your physical fitness, including with push-ups and pull-ups. A Dexa scan is the most accurate for assessing body composition. By assessing each fitness component, you can determine your level of …

Category:  Fitness Go Health

What is the Best Exercise Equipment for Legs While Sitting

WEBThe Best Devices to Use While Sitting. Pedal Exercisers. These come in all shapes and sizes. You sit and pedal them as if you were riding a bike. In fact, they are often referred to as mini bikes. Some models dual-purpose machines. Can exercise your arms as well as your legs by simply placing it on a tabletop. Some are made to use under a desk

Category:  Health Go Health

How To Start Living A Healthy Lifestyle

WEBMost of us rarely give a second thought to living a healthy lifestyle, and even less about how to do it. So, to know how to start living a healthy lifestyle, we first need to clarify what it is or looks like.

Category:  Health Go Health

Why is it Good to Exercise

WEBHelp prevent diabetes, heart disease, and many types of cancer. Regular physical activity helps you lose and maintain a healthy weight. Exercise helps lower blood pressure and triglycerides. Medical research believes now that there is a link between a sedentary life and dementia and Alzheimer’s. Exercise is the remedy.

Category:  Cancer,  Medical Go Health

Who Is HIIT Good For

WEBHIIT, also known as high intensity interval training is one of those terms being tossed around in the fitness industry in a pretty loose manner.

Category:  Fitness Go Health

How Seniors Can Combat Health Problems and Stay Fit

WEB5. Take Up Dancing. Most seniors today came up listening to music, and dancing is a natural response to music. And it’s a great way to stay fit and enjoy yourself. Dancing is definitely a good way to get in your cardio exercise to …

Category:  Health Go Health

Why Under Desk Exercise Is Crucial To Your Health

WEBResearchers are now saying desk jobs are the equivalent of smoking, or worse, when it comes to health risks. Sitting is making us fat, increasing the risk of early death to as high as 40%, causing muscular disorders, chronic back pain with headaches, and increasing the risk of some cancers, including colon cancer.

Category:  Cancer Go Health

Can Running Tone Your Body

WEB2. Running Reduces Depression and Anxiety. Whether you’re toning up your body on a treadmill or running in the neighborhood, it won’t take you long to notice how much better you feel. If you run for as little as 30 minutes a day your moods and focus will …

Category:  Health Go Health

How Often Should I Go To The Doctor

WEBHow often you should go to the doctor is a fairly common question, and I can only assume the real

Category:  Health Go Health

How to Tone Your Body at Home Without Equipment

WEBSit ups. Lie on the floor with your feet flat on the floor and knees bended. Put your hands behind your head, and activating abdominal muscles, raise your back, shoulders, and head off t the floor. Do as many reps as you can, and they will steadily become easier as your tone your stomach and butt. 3.

Category:  Health Go Health

20 Best Foods for Good Health

WEBWhat we eat has a direct impact on our health. Nutrient-rich foods help our bodies function properly and protect us from disease. Conversely, foods that are high in sugar, fat, and calories can contribute to weight gain, heart disease, and diabetes.

Category:  Food Go Health

Do Any Fitness Trackers Measure Blood Pressure

WEBA fitness tracker is a wearable device that tracks and monitors your physical activity and fitness levels. Many fitness trackers also have the ability to measure other health metrics, such as heart rate, blood pressure, and sleep quality. Because blood pressure is one of the most important indicators of heart health, it’s always advisable to

Category:  Fitness Go Health

Resistance Bands Exercises for Seniors on DVD

WEBResistance bands are a great way for seniors to stay active and improve their strength. Exercise bands provide resistance when pulled, which helps to build muscle and improve bone density. Additionally, resistance bands are low-impact, so they are gentle on the joints. They are also lightweight and portable, making them easy to use at home or

Category:  Health Go Health