
Why Ergonomic Chairs Are A Must For Every Office

Firstly, you may be asking what is an ergonomic chair and what does it mean? Ergonomics is a science also known as human engineering or biotechnology. It involves looking at the design of objects and how they can be made to compliment easy and safe … See more

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URL: https://www.haiken.com/insights/why-ergonomic-chairs-are-a-must-for-every-office

How ergonomic office furniture improves health and wellbeing

WEBExplore task seating. 3. Include lots of natural light and biophilic elements. Natural light and the vitamin D that comes from it has a number of physical and mental health benefits. Natural sunlight can alleviate levels of anxiety, depression, as well as helping to regulate the body’s circadian rhythm.

Category:  Vitamin Go Health

How can ergonomic office furniture be used to support health

WEBAnother good example for an ergonomic office chair is our Stirling, as it is specially created from sensitive foam so that the seat moulds to every individual, providing that incomparable user comfort an ergonomic chair should provide.. If employees are comfortable in the workplace, they are likely to feel happier about coming into the office …

Category:  Health Go Health

Wellness Meets Workspace: Office Furniture That Promotes Hea

WEBAs the boundaries between work and life blur, the emphasis on employee well-being within the workspace is of utmost importance. With more people spending significant hours in office environments, the impact of workspace design …

Category:  Health Go Health

4 valuable benefits of an ergonomic office space

WEB4. Ergonomic offices promote a safe culture. An ergonomic office space promotes a safe culture where employees can work comfortably, which in turn will have a positive impact on their mental health and wellbeing. After all, a healthy employee contributes to the success of a business. A workspace that is ergonomic will also result …

Category:  Health Go Health

The Rise of Ergonomics: How Comfort Became a Priority in Office …

WEBThe rise of remote and hybrid work arrangements underscores the need for ergonomic home office setups. Designing workspaces that prioritise comfort and well-being will be crucial in maintaining employee productivity and satisfaction in diverse settings. At Haiken, we remain dedicated to driving the evolution of ergonomic office furniture.

Category:  Health Go Health

The benefits of height-adjustable desks

WEBHeight adjustable desks can prevent back problems, increase performance, concentration, and motivation of employees whilst minimising downtime. In this article, we will be exploring all the benefits of height-adjustable desks and why they are essential in office layouts. 1. Standing whilst working boosts productivity.

Category:  Health Go Health

Why is it important to have the right office furniture

WEBIncrease productivity. Perhaps one of the most desired outcomes of installing ergonomic furniture in an office, is increased productivity. For any adequate work to be done, it is essential the people doing the work are happy and comfortable in the office space provided. Adding furniture with sound absorption will allow employees to focus on

Category:  Health Go Health

4 benefits of biophilic design in the office

WEBBy introducing natural elements into the office, such as an indoor water feature, plants, or wooden furniture, can provide people with access to natural light and beautiful views which will also help to create a more positive and harmonious working ambience. 3. Biophilic elements improve creativity and productivity in the workplace.

Category:  Health Go Health

Biophilic Office Design: Bringing the Outdoors In

WEBBiophilic office spaces improve employee wellbeing. Bringing the outdoors into office spaces will most importantly, improve the mental and physical wellbeing of employees. Research suggests that 40% of all sickness absence can be tracked back to indoor air pollution and poor air quality due to the lack of natural air purifiers such as plants.

Category:  Health Go Health

The impact of office design on productivity & well-being

WEBWith that said, let’s explore the impact of office design and how it directly affects the productivity and well-being of employees today. 1. Natural lighting and biophilic design. The presence of natural light has a profound influence on the well-being and productivity of employees. In modern workplace design, great importance is placed on

Category:  Health Go Health

The Evolution of the Office Chair

WEBThe Office Chair Evolution Timeline. The evolution of the office chair is closely tied to the development of the modern office space, which emerged during the 18th and 19th centuries. The 18th Century-. During the 18th century, office chairs were typically crafted from wood and characterized by straight backs and rigid seats.

Category:  Health Go Health

The Pros & Cons of Height Adjustable Desks

WEBOver the last few years, height-adjustable desks have gone from an office novelty to a more permanent and sought for feature. This is especially due to people becoming increasingly more aware of the harmful effects sitting for long periods of time has on their health.In fact, it has even been said, w hile a dramatic statement, many medical …

Category:  Medical Go Health

The Future of Office Design: How to Future-proof Your Space

WEBIn this blog, we'll explore some of the key trends in office design and how to future-proof your workspace for 2023 and beyond. 1. Prioritise flexibility. The word flexibility (or often described as a hybrid working) has become a buzzword in office design, and for good reason. The pandemic has highlighted the importance of being able to adapt

Category:  Health Go Health

The benefits of incorporating 'home comforts' into your offi

WEBIncorporating home comforts into your office design can have a wealth of benefits for the health and well-being of your employees. Comfortable furniture, natural or warm lighting, and inclusive design elements have not only been proven to reduce sickness, and physical ailments such as back pain; but have also been shown to promote better …

Category:  Health Go Health

How to incorporate a Japandi style into an office space

WEBChoose a Japandi style colour palette for your office space. Warm and neutral tones are a must for Japandi design. When choosing colours for the office interior, opt for neutral and muted tones such as beige, sand, cream, taupe, oatmeal, and stone. Another tip: avoid anything too bright or bold in colour as it can agitate the senses.

Category:  Health Go Health

How will office spaces look in 2050

WEBSmart Technology will transform office spaces in 2050. Smart technology is already on the rise, and by 2050, it is predicted that smart technology will have advanced much further. Offices will likely be equipped with the latest technology, including advanced AI and virtual assistants. Virtual reality in particular will transform the way people

Category:  Health Go Health

How office furniture can improve productivity in the workpla

WEBOne way that is sure to improve productivity is by choosing ergonomic furniture for an office space. Being seated comfortably, prevents people from getting distracted throughout their working day. An employee that is uncomfortable will constantly stop work to re-adjust their position and this could interrupt and delay their working …

Category:  Health Go Health

How to design a more sustainable office space in 2023

WEBInstall Energy-Efficient office lighting that is solar-powered or LED. One simple yet effective office design element to include for a sustainable workspace is LED or solar-powered lights. These types of lighting use significantly less energy than traditional incandescent or fluorescent lighting, giving them a longer lifespan.

Category:  Health Go Health