5 years of Health Star Ratings – are they working

Over the years I’ve written about both the Health Star Ratings themselves and some surprising products that have managed to score 4 and 5 stars. I’ve listed them below so you can check them … See more

Actived: 8 days ago


what is it and what does it mean for you

WEBWritten by Catherine Saxelby on Monday, 18 August 2014. The Health Star Rating (HSR) system ranks food products on a scale from half to five stars on the front of food packs. Like the energy rating you spot on fridges and washing machines, the more stars the better. Foods with five stars being the best nutritional choice.

Category:  Nutrition,  Food Go Health

What is a clear diet

WEBA clear diet is needed to cleanse the bowel (colon or end of the digestive tract), usually in preparation for a colonoscopy, abdominal x-ray, bowel surgery, bowel evacuation of any sort, and intravenous pyelogram.

Category:  Health Go Health

Q. I’ve seen DHA on food labels. What is it and where do I find it

WEBA. DHA stands for DocosaHexaenoic Acid and is a long-chain omega-3 fatty acid that is a special component of our eyes, brain and nerve tissues. It is one of three key omega-3 fatty acids that are important in our health. I must admit I often get asked abut DHA as it's popping up on everyday food products from milks to breads.

Category:  Food Go Health

Tonic water – better for you than other soft drinks, or …

WEBA 200 mL glass of tonic water will give you around 17 grams of sugar. Which is a lot when the WHO suggests we limit our sugar intake to around 50 grams a day (or 10 per cent of our energy). However, that IS lower than most soft drinks which carry anywhere from 10 to 12 per cent added sugar which delivers 22 g sugar per glass.

Category:  Health Go Health

What exactly is panela

WEBOn page 147 the book says: “Panela is the most common name for the traditional sugar produced and consumed throughout Latin America and the Caribbean by concentrating freshly extracted cane juice. Most is still made in small-scale, on-farm mills (trapiches) with traditional technology. “Sugarcane is cut, transported to the mill (in some

Category:  Health Go Health

Q. What level of sodium should I look for on a food label

WEBWhere to look. Use the Per 100 g or Per 100 mL column on the right hand side of the Nutrition Panel to check how much sodium is present. Use these cut-off figures: Foods moderate in sodium less than 400 mg per 100 grams. Foods moderately-high 400 to 600 mg per 100 grams. Foods high over 600 mg per 100 grams. By law, any product labelled …

Category:  Nutrition,  Food Go Health

Q. What fish are oily and what is the best way to cook …

WEBA. Eating oily fish twice a week is recommended for your overall good health, especially for your heart and blood. Oily fish varieties include small fish such as anchovies, sardines, herring and kippers as well as larger types like ocean tuna, Atlantic salmon, Spanish various mackerels, eel, trout, silver warehou, mullet, trevally, sand whiting and snapper.

Category:  Health Go Health

How much fat should I eat a day

WEB85 grams of total fat a day. for an adult male who's not on a diet (10 500 kJ / 2500 Calories) 40 grams of total fat a day. for an adult female who wants weight loss (5000 kJ / 1200 Calories) Remember this is a figure for total fat. You should also think about the type and quality of the fat – put the emphasis on mono- and polyunsaturated

Category:  Health Go Health

The truth about lecithin

WEBFunctions. Lecithin: is used in the structure of cell membranes. Unlike vitamins or minerals, lecithin is not an essential nutrient, but it does contain choline and inositol. Choline is an essential nutrient related to B vitamins. Inositol is a substance that is important for growing new cells, which occurs widely in many animal and plant foods.

Category:  Food,  Vitamin Go Health

Soul Origin Salads

WEBOrder the small size – this is all your body needs. Utilise Soul Origin’s option of combining two or three salads in the one container – choose a pasta salad plus a leafy salad and a legume salad. This increases the fibre and protein content of the dish to keep you full, while reducing the kilojoules. Win-win.

Category:  Health Go Health

Q. Some foods are labelled ‘no MSG’. What does MSG stand for …

WEBA. MSG stands for monosodium glutamate or additive code number 621.It is used by the food industry and restaurateurs as a flavour enhancer – it doesn't have a flavour of its own but makes the food more savoury and 'meaty'.

Category:  Food Go Health

Product snapshot: Baker’s Life 85% Lower Carb Bread

WEBMost breads have around 17 g of carbohydrate per slice and even Helga’s Lower Carb bread which Catherine reviewed here has 9.7 g per slice. That’s where this Baker’s Life loaf comes into its own. It’s an ALDI-only brand and often hard to find but it only has a tiny 2.5 g per slice. With a tiny 2.5g of carbs per slice and a GI of only 24

Category:  Health Go Health

Butter vs Margarine. Which is best

WEBMargarine for your heart. If you have high cholesterol or a family history of heart disease, then margarine is a wiser choice for a couple of reasons: 1. Margarine looks after your heart better. At 20 per cent saturated fat, margarine has less ‘bad’ saturated fat and more heart-healthy unsaturates than butter. It has no cholesterol.

Category:  Health Go Health

Product Review: Golden Circle Probiotic Juice

WEBNutrition 8/10. Probi Defendum™ probiotic - a unique selling feature. The single biggest selling feature of this juice is its probiotic content. Golden Circle Healthy Life juice contains Probi Defendum™, a term to classify its two strains of bacteria: 1. The first bacteria is Lactobacillus paracasei 8700:2 which is found naturally in cheese

Category:  Nutrition Go Health

Q. Which bran is best – wheat bran or oat bran

WEBWheat bran (unprocessed bran) At over 40 per cent fibre, wheat bran has the highest fibre content and is rich in insoluble fibre. It is a good choice for a healthy digestive system and is best at preventing constipation. Wheat bran has been show to absorb 7 times its weight as water so it's good at bulking up your faeces and giving the bowel

Category:  Health Go Health

Q: What are high-oleic peanuts

WEBWritten by Catherine Saxelby on Thursday, 11 July 2013. A. High-oleic peanuts are peanuts that contain a higher amount of oleic acid compared to standard peanuts. Oleic Acid is a monounsaturated fatty acid. It is known as a good fat, reducing the amount of LDL (bad cholesterol) whilst boosting the levels of HDL (good cholesterol).

Category:  Health Go Health

Kilojoules and fast food – the “in-your-face” facts

WEBUS studies have shown that parents order healthier meals for their children when the kilojoule count of a food is displayed – although their own eating habits remain unchanged. A case of ‘Do as I say’, not ‘Do as I do’? It’s not only the Macca’s, Pizza Huts, Pizza Havens, Eagle Boys and KFCs that have to comply.

Category:  Food Go Health