Onward Into Wellness

WebOnward into Wellness Sometimes I want to do nothing but sit in the gratitude of remembering that by a mysterious and powerful thread of miracles I am alive today.The suffering over decades of living with chronic pain and illness was a formidable path that I would never wish upon anyone. Yet many face their daily

Actived: 8 days ago


8 Points of Intrinsic Health

WebIntrinsic (adj.) ~ of the inside;~ elemental, inherent, implicit;~ already existing; pertaining to the essence. Intrinsic Health - Eight Points The Journey of Intrinsic Health is an 8-week program designed collaboratively and grounded in the insights and teachings of Dr. Zach Bush. In 2022 I received the privilege of joining the inaugural group of Health

Category:  Health Go Health

What her hands say

WebWhat Her Hands Say There is something about the way the hands of this woman calmly come together that lets you know quite a bit about her.Hands of an elder, the skin’s lines and textures have been made sophisticated by the artistry of progressive aging. These are hands at rest. The woman lays her right

Category:  Health Go Health

In the Playground

WebScrawling pencil on paper as a reprieve from my Macbook, I remember my analog nature and embark on unfolding the Reflection of the Day. I sit comfortably on the grass in the late September sunshine, a dear friend at my side, drinking in the familiar energy of merriment found at our annual neighbourhood festival, Fall Fairfield.Fall Fairfield.

Category:  Health Go Health