
Mental Health Act Service

WebPeople who are subject to the Mental Health (Care & Treatment) (Scotland) Act – who have a mental health issue, learning disability, autism or dementia – have a legal right to independent advocacy. The role of the advocate is not restricted to mental health situations. This means that if you are detained in hospital and/or are subject to a Compulsory …

Actived: 5 days ago

URL: https://eaas.org.uk/services/mental-health-act-service/

East Ayrshire Advocacy Services

WebAdvocacy helps you to have your say in what happens in your life. The person who helps you is called an advocate. An advocate is an ordinary person who will give their time to get to know you and, when necessary, speak for you or help you to speak up for yourself. Our advocacy services can help you to understand your rights and choices and

Category:  Health Go Health

Older People’s Service

WebSupport at appointments (GP, hospital, health, finance, legal, housing) Support and representation at meetings (AWI, ASP, social work, home care) Support through power of attorney and guardianship processes. Help to understand paperwork and mail. Liaise and communicate with people and services on their behalf.

Category:  Health Go Health

HMP Kilmarnock Service

WebEast Ayrshire Advocacy Services. Welcome to our HMP Kilmarnock Service. Our mission is to help people in HMP Kilmarnock with mental health issues understand their rights and have their voice heard. For people in HMP Kilmarnock from any region, on remand or serving a short or long-term sentence. MAKE A REFERRAL CONTACT US.

Category:  Health Go Health

Addictions Service

WebEast Ayrshire Advocacy Services. Welcome to our Addictions Service. Our mission is to ensure that people with addictions issues have their voice heard and can access support and services. For adults with a drug and/or alcohol addiction. MAKE A …

Category:  Health Go Health

Services Archive

WebChildren’s Hearing Service This service is for children and young people aged 5-18 who are involved in the Children’s Hearing System. Children and young people who are subject to cross-border deprivation of liberty (DOL) order placements can also access the service.

Category:  Health Go Health

Parents' Service

WebWelcome to our Parents' Service. Our mission is to ensure that parents have a voice in situations where decisions may be made about their family’s future. For parents who have a learning disability, acquired brain injury, mental heath issues or substance misuse issues, where their child or children are the subject of Child Protection or

Category:  Health Go Health

Adult Support & Protection Lived Experience Project

WebWe were recently awarded funded from East Ayrshire Health & Social Care Partnership to recruit a new member of staff to develop and improve the experience of people subject to Adult Support & Protection legislation. Maggie, our ASP Development Officer, is working to gather feedback from individuals, families and carers who have been involved in

Category:  Health Go Health

East Ayrshire Advocacy Services Ltd

WebWe also receive Integration monies of £20,000 and £22,000 (£11,000 NHS, £11,000 EAC) for provision of advocacy service in HMP Kilmarnock. INVESTMENTS No investment decisions were made. The offices of East Ayrshire Advocacy Services Ltd are at 20 Lindsay Street, Kilmarnock.

Category:  Health Go Health