Healthcare Resources in the U.S.

This map service displays healthcare resources supply in the United States. It shows the number of health care facilities (hospitals, medical centers, federally qualified health centers, and home health services) at the state, congressional district and county levels.

Actived: 6 days ago


TOXMAP®: Environmental Health Maps

WEBTOXMAP®: Environmental Health Maps. TOXMAP® is a Geographic Information System (GIS) that uses maps of the United States and Canada to help users visually explore …

Category:  Health Go Health

Federally Qualified Health Centers

WEBThis feature layer, utilizing data from the Department of Health and Human Services (HHS), displays the locations of Federally Qualified Health Centers (FQHC) in the U.S. FQHC's …

Category:  Health Go Health

U.S. Healthcare Sites

WEBThis map service shows the locations of healthcare facilities (hospitals, medical centers, federally qualified health centers, home health services, and nursing homes) in the …

Category:  Medical Go Health

Veterans Integrated Services Networks (VISN), Markets

WEBThe Department of Veterans Affairs (VA) provides healthcare services to its veterans across the USA including territories and possessions. Healthcare services are delivered through …

Category:  Health Go Health

Veterans Affairs Surgical Quality Improvement Program (VASQIP)

WEBThe Veterans Affairs Surgical Quality Improvement Program (VASQIP) database resides in the VA National Surgery Office (NSO) and is a quality assurance activity-derived …

Category:  Health Go Health

Licensed Natural Health Products

WEBThe Licensed Natural Health Products Database contains information about natural health products that have been issued a product licence by Health Canada. This data extract …

Category:  Health Go Health

DRC Health Zone and Health Area boundaries

WEBRDC_Zones de santé.zip SHP. These data show the final dataset for the moment of the 519 health zones of

Category:  Health Go Health


WEBEthiopia-healthsites. This dataset shows the list of operating health facilities. Attributes included: Name,Nature of Facility, Activities, Lat, Long.

Category:  Health Go Health


WEBZones de santé de la République Démocratique du Congo, export OSM au format geopackage, version du 12 décembre 2021.

Category:  Health Go Health

WEBMême fichier des limites des zones de santé de la République Démocratique du Congo, export OSM au format shapefile zippé, version du 12 décembre 2021.

Category:  Health Go Health

Zones de santé (RDC) / Health zones (DRC)

WEBZones de santé (RDC) / Health zones (DRC) Les 519 zones de santé (ZS) de la République démocratique du Congo, extraites de la base de données OpenStreetMap. …

Category:  Health Go Health