Attachment theory in practice

Drawing upon Bowlby’s concept, attachment theory evolved. Ainsworth and colleagues (1978) developed The Strange Situation Procedure approach to assessment. This … See more

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Attachment theory in practice

WebCycles of interaction. Attachment – sensitive aspects of parenting. Assessment of harm. Support services. When there are concerns about a child’s safety, development or wellbeing, a key task will involve an assessment of the child’s existing attachment relationships. Careful observation can reveal both existing strengths within the

Category:  Health Go Health

Attachment theory in practice

WebAttachment theory can provide a conceptual bridge for practitioners seeking to protect rights, promote resilience and work together with families to realise the strengths and potential in their relationships. The aim of this learning resource is to enable practitioners to understand the principles of attachment and its importance for practice.

Category:  Health Go Health

Attachment theory in practice

WebAttachment has been described as an emotional link between two people which lasts through space and time (Fahlberg 1981). Attachment between a child and their primary caregiver has also been described as: …one specific and circumscribed aspect of the relationship between child and caregiver that is involved with making the child safe, …

Category:  Health Go Health

Secure care: Secure care in Scotland

WebThe Secure Accommodation (Scotland) Regulations 2013 and Public Service Reform (Scotland) Act 2010 define secure accommodation as accommodation provided for the purpose of restricting the liberty of children in a residential establishment, where care services are provided. Children can be cared for in locked care settings up to the age of …

Category:  Health Go Health

Attachment theory in practice

WebPotential pitfalls. A recent criticism focuses on an over-emphasis on attachment as the dominant framework in assessment of the child’s circumstances which neglects the crucial importance of socio-economic pressures which may compromise their parents’ ability to offer a secure base. Featherstone and Gupta (2018) argue that this approach is

Category:  Health Go Health

The Assessment Triangle – Assessment

WebThe Integrated Assessment Framework follows the earlier Department of Health Framework in the sense of applying an ' ' to forming an understanding with a child. Visually, this is based upon a triangle. There are three general domains visible within this approach: The child's developmental needs. Parents' or caregivers' capacities to respond

Category:  Health Go Health

Online safety and wellbeing of adults at risk of harm

WebThemes of harassment. Research conducted and published in 2016 on the cyberharassment of disabled people found, “the use of electronic communication creates an online context that further reshapes this discrimination.” (Alhaboby ZA et al, 2016). Five themes emerged from this research: Disability and health consequences. Family …

Category:  Health Go Health

Writing analysis in social care

WebWriting in Social Work Practice. WiSPeR is a collection of resources developed to help practitioners to write more effectively in practice contexts and to encourage debate about the role of writing in professional social work.. All of the resources on the site are free to use and will be of use to social work students, early career social workers as well as managers, …

Category:  Health Go Health

Reflective Practice

WebExamining professional practice, Schon identified two types of reflection: reflection-in-action and reflection-on-action. Reflection- in -action, sometimes described as 'thinking on our feet', is the process that allows professionals to reshape the situation or activity on which they are working while it is unfolding. It is generally associated

Category:  Health Go Health

Attachment theory in practice

WebAttachment theory in practice. This resource defines attachment, examines the components and evidence underlying attachment, and the patterns of attachment behaviour. There is a summary of current policy implications, and this goes alongside practice points and video perspectives from Kenny Toshack (Adoption and Fostering Team, local authority

Category:  Health Go Health

Mental health support and staying connected

WebMental health support. Children in custody are some of our most vulnerable, disadvantaged, distressed and excluded in society, often having experienced significant adversity and trauma ().There is a complex interplay for children in custody around pre-existing vulnerabilities, re-traumatisation (e.g. from noise, lights, strip searching, violence, …

Category:  Health Go Health

Writing analysis in social care

WebA working definition of recommendation. The immediate purpose of analysis is to lead to statements about which specific actions should be taken in order to support vulnerable children and adults, based on the evidence provided. Making recommendations involves a clear statement about what the specific actions should be: for example, that

Category:  Health Go Health

The Assessment Triangle – The Triangle

WebThe Triangle is a simple way of representing the three domains that assessment should take account of: The child's developmental needs. The parents' or caregivers' capacities to respond appropriately. The wider family and environmental factors. Each domain relates to the others. Any child's development is significantly shaped by both their

Category:  Health Go Health

Concurrent orders

WebThe scope for further offences being dealt with through the CHS if the child remains subject to a CSO (remittal from court would be the only subsequent route into the CHS for children aged over 16 if a CSO is terminated). The potential role of a CSO in transition from secure care or custody. This is further reiterated in Scottish Government

Category:  Health Go Health

Young offenders institutions: Programmes, support and reviews

WebThroughout this section. Mental health support and staying connected. During a child’s time in custody, the period of stability this affords should be utilised as an opportunity to provide full support and interventions to children to build on their strengths, address their underlying needs, form relationships and encourage healthy development to promote positive …

Category:  Health Go Health

Young Offenders Institutions in Scotland

WebThroughout this section. Mental health support and staying connected. In keeping with the Whole System Approach (WSA), where it is deemed necessary to deprive a child of their liberty, secure care should be utilised wherever possible as opposed to custody. This has been strengthened with the Independent Care Review (2020, p.91) concluding that …

Category:  Health Go Health

Crisis intervention

WebCrisis intervention is a model of practice that describes the impact of crises on people, and offers a helpful framework for professionals working with people in crisis. The model was developed during the mid 1960s based on Caplan’s research into community mental health, and the experience of individuals with acute mental health problems.

Category:  Health Go Health

The Assessment Triangle – Key Concepts

WebThese will vary for each child. Nothing can be assumed; the facts must be sought and the meaning attached to them explored and weighed up with the family. Sometimes assessments are seen largely in terms of a child or family's difficulties or problems, or the risks seen to be attached to particular behaviours or situations; what is working well

Category:  Health Go Health