5 Tips to Keep Your Septic System Healthy

WEBSimply flush about 1/4 cup of dry baking yeast down a toilet on the lowest floor of your home every 3-4 months. Know where your septic tank is located in your yard. Keep the area covered with grass instead of concrete or any other structures and try to keep tree roots away from the area to avoid ruptured pipes.

Actived: 6 days ago


How to Handle a Flooded Basement

WEBA flooded basement is a nasty surprise, but it doesn’t have to be catastrophic. Understand how floods happen to prevent them and learn to keep your cool if they happen to you. Why do basements flood? Basements are prime flood locations because of their proximity to underground water mains and because appliances like water heaters…

Category:  Health Go Health

How Neglected Water Leaks Can Turn into a Health Hazard

WEBDealing with water leaks in your home? Call a reliable plumber in Columbia, MO from Brian Wear Plumbing to prevent leaks from compromising your family’s health.

Category:  Health Go Health

4 Signs You Need a New Sink

WEBOften, appliances need a little attention, maintenance, and repair, but there comes a time when it is better to invest in new fixtures. This can be caused by inefficiencies, or even a safety or health risks. If you’ve had the same sink for a few years, and you’re trying to decide if it needs to…

Category:  Health Go Health

Hazards Associated With a Compromised Sewer Line

WEBTo many homeowners, the pipes hidden beneath their homes are out of sight, out of mind. However, when a sewer line gets compromised, it can lead to a host of problems that affect not only home comfort but also health and finances.

Category:  Health Go Health

Symptoms of a Gas Leak Outside Your Home

WEBBubbles in Mud Puddles. When it rains, check near your gas line for any mud puddles near it. If you see bubbles popping up around the surface, you likely have a gas leak. Bubbles indicate escaping gas that can vary in severity. Slower bubbles are common with small leaks while faster bubbles showcase a large leak.

Category:  Health Go Health

Customer Protection Program Columbia, MO Brian Wear …

WEBBenefits of Joining the Customer Protection Program. Immediate Service – As a member of the Customer Protection Program, when you encounter a plumbing emergency in your home, you are granted Same Day Service from the professional plumbers at Brian Wear Plumbing!Our professional plumbers will quickly reach your home and identify the …

Category:  Health Go Health

Be Wary of Backflow Hazards at Home

WEBBackflow is a potentially serious problem that can affect your home water supply’s usage, which can harm you and anyone else who may reside on your property. It is important to understand how to prevent it, recognize it, and to contact a professional plumber before small problems escalate. Backflow and Prevention Backflow is simply the reversal of…

Category:  Health Go Health

Save Water with a Steam Shower

WEBAre you sick of high water bills that you can’t seem to control or bring down? Consider installing a steam shower. While this type of shower may cost a little bit of money upfront to install in your home, it will ultimately help you save on …

Category:  Health Go Health

The Risks of Postponing Sewer Repairs

WEBWhen you discover that your sewer line has a problem, it’s essential to treat it as an emergency and fix it sooner rather than later. Postponing sewer pipe line repair can cause extensive issues in the long run, making them costlier. Once you notice recurring drain clogs, leaks, or backups, take action to resolve them immediately with the help of …

Category:  Health Go Health

Pros and Cons of Plastic Piping

WEBPros: Plastic pipes aren’t as susceptible to corrosion as metal pipes are. If your water quality is somewhat acidic, it can take a toll on metal pipes, wearing them away until pinholes and leaks appear. PVC pipes, for example, stand up better to acidic water. Plastic is flexible under water pressure, which can reduce or eliminate any knocking

Category:  Health Go Health

Our Service Areas Plumber in Columbia, MO Brian Wear Plumbing

WEBA plumber in Columbia, MO, and nearby areas should have the expertise and be on call for any homeowner who has to deal with issues concerning their water heater, sewer line, or any other essential plumbing that is necessary for everyday use.. Brian Wear Plumbing is the one to call if any of the plumbing services are needed. We even handle emergency …

Category:  Health Go Health

How to Check if Your Water Meter is Faulty

WEBThe best way to check is to find a multi-galloned receptacle that you can fill up with an exact measurement. If you check the measurement of water with your water meter and the numbers don’t add up, you have yourself a faulty meter and that needs to be replaced as soon as possible. If you use city water, you can call out a representative from

Category:  Health Go Health

Rusty Faucets and Shower Heads: Remove and Prevent Further …

WEBFaucets, toilets, shower heads and anything else that can accumulate rust stains should be cleaned on a weekly basis. Cleaning products that are slightly abrasive, such as baking soda or powdered cleansers, along with a slightly abrasive sponge can help remove rust stains. For stubborn rust stains, many hardware stores carry pumice stone

Category:  Health Go Health

How MO’s Water Supply Can Affect Your Plumbing

WEBLiving in Missouri comes with its own set of challenges, including factors that can affect your plumbing system. One crucial aspect to consider is the quality and characteristics of the water supply.

Category:  Health Go Health

The History of Plumbing in the United States

WEBHowever, with the advent of steam-powered water pumps, the pressure rose too high for wooden pipes and new materials were necessary. The history of plumbing in America really begins in 1804 Philadelphia; the first city in the world to use cast iron pipes for its water and sewage system, and the first in the U.S. to build a citywide water works.

Category:  Health Go Health

3 Precautions to Take to Prevent Rusty Pipes

WEBAll metal pipes, including copper, cast iron, and galvanized steel, are vulnerable to corrosion, and hot water pipes are even more susceptible than their cold water counterparts. If you’re worried about rusty plumbing, consider these three precautions. 1. Check for Signs of Rust. Sometimes your water will warn you of rusty pipes before you

Category:  Health Go Health

Our Sewer Repair Services in Columbia, MO Brian Wear Plumbing

WEBChoosing our plumber in Columbia, MO, whenever you have sewer and drainage problems is a smart decision.Our company can make the process of dealing with the damage easier for you by making sure your sewers and drains are cared for properly throughout each year.

Category:  Health Go Health

Drain Cleaning Services Columbia, MO Brian Wear Plumbing

WEBDrain Cleaning Solutions in Columbia, MO, and Nearby Areas. Brian Wear Plumbing takes pride in being your trusted plumber in Columbia, MO, and the surrounding areas. Apart from our fixture and general services, we can address your issues with your drains. Our drain cleaning solutions and drain line maintenance are exactly what you will need to

Category:  Health Go Health