30 at 30: Mental Health Nursing: Past, present and future

WEBThe last thirty years has been an interesting time for mental health nursing. After decades of neglect, in the 1990s the UK Government recognised that the burden of disease and the disabling nature of mental distress were on a par with Coronary Heart Disease, cancer and stroke, the major cause of deaths at the time. Finally, providing …

Actived: 2 days ago


Coronavirus and mental health: Risks, protective factors …

WEBJuly 2, 2021, by Brigitte Nerlich. Coronavirus and mental health: Risks, protective factors and care. This is a guest post by Dr Rusi Jaspal who is Professor of Psychology at Nottingham Trent University in the UK.E-mail: [email protected] Twitter: @ProfRJaspal For several years, my colleagues and I have studied the effects of major social change …

Category:  Coronavirus Go Health

Why is a more socially oriented approach to mental …

WEBAuthor: Associate Professor Hugh Middleton The BBC’s recent series on mental health, ‘In the Mind‘ drew mixed reactions. In particular Stephen Fry’s exploration of manic depression was both praised on account of his attempts to destigmatize mental illness, and criticised because it presented a very narrow biomedical understanding of …

Category:  Medical Go Health

Transforming healthcare with the humanities

WEBIn summary, the NHH: Is the first and leading major body in the UK explicitly dedicated to the new and fast-developing field of the health humanities. Offers a flagship of diverse partnership between academic, clinical, third sector and community-based organisations or groups. Brings together the University’s world class research capability

Category:  Health Go Health

Digging for the roots of the deficit model

WEBFebruary 25, 2017, by Brigitte Nerlich. Digging for the roots of the deficit model. According to my twitter feed, the deficit model (also known as the knowledge or information deficit model of science communication or of public understanding of science) has been discussed yet again, this time during the 2017 meeting of the American Association for the …

Category:  Health Go Health

The transformative power of animations for youth mental …

WEBThe five short, animated stories co-created with Aardman really do improve young people’s attitude towards, and knowledge of, mental health. It also increased their willingness to seek help and boosted their confidence in helping others, whilst significantly reducing the stigma towards depression. A huge success.

Category:  Health Go Health

The finer details of the bigger picture: corpus linguistics in

WEBJuly 11, 2017, by Sunita Tailor. The finer details of the bigger picture: corpus linguistics in healthcare. This blog piece will introduce a relatively new method in the study of language – the corpus linguistic approach – and talk about how it can be useful for linguistic researchers interested in analysing communication in healthcare environments.

Category:  Health Go Health

Sickle cell disease and identity

WEBJanuary 12, 2024, by Brigitte Nerlich. Sickle cell disease and identity. In my background post, I tried to provide some information about what sickle cell disease is, how it has so far been treated and what a new therapy using gene editing might involve.When such as treatment possibility was announced as approved by health agencies in the UK and the …

Category:  Health Go Health

Helping the NHS get better and safer, faster

WEBApril 6, 2022, by lizst4. Helping the NHS get better and safer, faster. To mark World Health Day, we’re shining a light on how Nottingham University Business School researchers from the Centre for Health Innovation, Leadership and Learning (CHILL) are working with doctors and nurses from across the National Health Service (NHS) to improve …

Category:  Health Go Health

Professor Hywel Williams: Reflections

WEBOn September 30 th 2020, I stepped down as the Director of the NIHR HTA Programme after five very busy years. To set the scene, The NIHR Health Technology Assessment (HTA) Programme sits within the National Institute for Health Research (NIHR) – the UK’s largest funder of health and social care research funded by the UK …

Category:  Health Go Health

Reforming the NHS reforms – the quiet side-lining of the Health …

WEBBy Ian Shaw As widely anticipated the Health and Social Care Act has been a bit of a disaster… There has been more clinical engagement, especially with GPs, which is a good thing but the re-organisation led to a very complex organisational and governance structure (for example anyone know what clinical councils actually do?

Category:  Health Go Health

University pays tribute to Queen’s Medical Centre on its 40th …

WEBMedical educators and researchers at the University of Nottingham are helping to celebrate 40 years of improving healthcare and medical training, on the anniversary of the opening of the Queen’s Medical Centre in Nottingham. In July 1964, a shortage of doctors in the UK prompted a significant announcement by Minister of …

Category:  Medical Go Health

Investigating the water quality of the River Leen

WEBFigure 1 : Sites monitored on the River Leen for this study. The red lines delineate the two Water Framework Directive (WFD) (2000/60/EC) catchment areas used to classify the ecological status of the river: the upper catchment from source to Day Brook, and the lower catchment from Day Brook to the River Trent.

Category:  Health Go Health

Covid metaphors: Around the world in eight articles

WEBThe response to Covid-19 has been defined by public health measures intended to contain and mitigate, if not eliminate, the Covid-19. Containment brings with it a curtailment of movement and journeys and the erection of barriers and boundaries, both real and metaphorical. David Gurnham ’s article entitled “ ’Our country is a freedom

Category:  Health Go Health

Alternative Careers to Clinical Psychology – If Not Clinical …

WEBClinical Associate Psychologist (CAP) is a new and emerging role in the NHS. The role requires the completion of a master’s degree, and upon completion, you become a professionally applied psychologist working under the supervision of a clinical psychologist. CAPs are trained to work with a variety of populations and in various mental health

Category:  Health Go Health

Training Methods: Core Stability

WEBDuring our training methods series, University of Nottingham Sport’s fitness instructor, Cameron Whitham, will provide advise around specific training methods that you may wish to incorporate into your training routine. This week, Cam focuses on core stability. Core stability is known as the ability to control the position and movement of the central …

Category:  Fitness Go Health

Nursing Lives in the Crimean War

WEBThe file of nursing applications, held at the National Archives in Kew, contains an abundance of fascinating stories that provide insight into the daily lives of nineteenth-century women and nurses. Florence Nightingale left England with thirty-eight nurses in October 1854, heading for the hospital at Scutari Barracks in Constantinople.

Category:  Health Go Health

‘A fire raging’: Why fire metaphors work well for Covid-19

WEBIn a semi-technical explanation in Medscape from late March 2020, people are trees that provide fuel to a forest fire driven by wind: Think of COVID-19 as a fire burning in a forest. All of us are trees. The R0 is the wind speed. The higher it is, the faster the fire tears through the forest. But just like a forest fire, COVID-19 needs fuel to

Category:  Health Go Health

Training Methods: Speed

WEBLadder Sprints. Created to improve speed within the leg muscles. The aim is to be able to sprint through the ladder with speed whilst raising the knees high into a 90 degree angle. Stair Drills. The athlete is required to sprint up the stairs or a step to improve leg strength and power. Basic Sprint Training. With two cones marking the area in

Category:  Health Go Health

Poo and puns: Recent representations of faecal microbiota …

WEBThis post, by Carmen McLeod, Brigitte Nerlich and Rusi Jaspal, has recently been published on the Microbiology Society Blog. We reblog it here with permission. *** Bacteria, germs, poo…these are words that normally don’t evoke images of health and happiness. The relationship between humans and bacteria is often understood as a …

Category:  Health Go Health