Mental Health Act 2007 Uk

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Mental Health Act 2007 - Wikipedia

(3 days ago) People also askWhat is the Mental Health Act?The Mental Health Act (1983) is the main piece of legislation that covers the assessment, treatment and rights of people with a mental health disorder. You can read the Mental Health Act on the government legislation website.Mental Health Act - NHSnhs.ukWhat is the 2007 Mental Health Act?The 2007 Act was the culmination of many years’ attempts by the government to reform mental health legislation for England and Wales, and in particular to tackle concerns about risks to the public posed by people with a serious mental disorder living in the community.Briefing: Mental Health Act 2007 - Simon Lawton-Smith - King's the UK changing the Mental Health Act?The UK Government is changing the Mental Health Act. What is the Mental Health Act 1983? The Mental Health Act 1983 is the law in England and Wales which was updated in 2007. It tells people with mental health problems what their rights are regarding:What is the Mental Health Act 1983? - is the Mental Health Act 1983?The Mental Health Act 1983 (as amended, most recently by the Mental Health Act 2007) is designed to give health professionals the powers, in certain circumstances, to detain, assess and treat people with mental disorders in the interests of their health and safety or for public safety.Briefing: Mental Health Act 2007 - Simon Lawton-Smith - King's Health Act 2007 - Act to amend the Mental Health Act 1983, the Domestic Violence, Crime and Victims Act 2004 and the Mental Capacity Act 2005 in relation to mentally disordered persons; to amend section 40 of the Mental Capacity Act 2005; and for connected purposes.,the%20Act%20was%20implemented%20on%203%20November%202008.

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